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When Russia launched a full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, asylum seekers, refugees and persons in need of complementary protection from Ukraine were among the millions displaced into the European Union.

EU Council Decision 2022/382 of March 4, 2022, provided many of them with access to temporary protection. At the same time, these people faced significant obstacles in accessing it: documents certifying their status in Ukraine were missing or not recognized in the EU; some states, together with the refugees’ documents, also demanded the passports of their countries of origin, which could not be at their disposal; other countries sent refugees to the embassies of their countries of origin, which posed a risk to their safety.

In order to protect the rights of refugees and persons in need of complementary protection in Ukraine, СF “Right to Protection” has developed a Legal note “Addressing barriers to protection for beneficiaries of international protection and asylum seekers fleeing Ukraine to the EU” and an infographic about the documents of refugees who are eligible for temporary protection. The purpose of these documents is to facilitate the interaction of the beneficiaries with the migration authorities of the host countries in the EU and enforce refugees’ rights. 


The full-scale invasion changed not only the lives of Ukrainians, but also those who sought refuge in our country. For a long time, Ukraine has been both a transit and a destination country for people fleeing persecution and violence in other parts of the world. In 2021, approximately 5,000 asylum seekers and refugees were seeking refuge in Ukraine or in transit to the EU. However, on February 24, they found themselves among millions of internally displaced people and facing wartime threats inside the country.

According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Ukraine, 1,283 of Ukraine’s registered asylum seekers fled the country in the first half of 2022. This means up to 75% of the asylum seeker and refugee population may still be inside the country, where they are particularly at risk.

What difficulties do they face during wartime? How can these problems be overcome?

The R2P provides answers to these questions in the report,  prepared in cooperation with our partner HIAS – “Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Ukraine Addressing Protection Risks During Wartime”. It combines the findings of a R2P and HIAS survey of 168 asylum seekers and  refugees (many of whom were or are beneficiaries of R2P), research, written submissions from other nongovernmental organisations, and insights from  UNHCR Ukraine, to portray the protection challenges this population faces.

Key findings highlighted in the report:

  • There is no effective access to the asylum procedure inside Ukraine, yet people unable to apply for protection are faced with fines, deportation, or detention for “irregular stay.”  
  • Two-thirds of the respondents to the survey said they were unable to leave Ukraine, usually due to a lack of documents. More than one-quarter were not able to move freely within the country. 
  • Asylum seekers and refugees who have fled the country face significant difficulties returning, preventing family reunification.  
  • Without ID and travel documents, people are unable to access healthcare and humanitarian aid or secure affordable housing. 
  • Roughly one in five of the respondents in the survey said they faced discrimination in Ukraine.

You can read the full version of the report below. This report recommends constructive actions that the Ukrainian authorities, international organisations, governments, and donors can take to better support asylum seekers and refugees in the country. 


Післявоєнне відновлення України як зеленої та сталої держави є одним із найактуальніших питань на порядку денному як профільних органів публічної влади, так і відповідного експертного середовища. 

БФ “Право на захист” в рамках проєкту «Зменшення вразливості до ризиків катастроф в Україні (Фаза ІІ)», в рамках Консорціуму зменшення ризику (ЗР) (ACTED, IMPACT Initiatives, БФ «Право на захист», World Health Organization), підготував два взаємопов’язаних аналітичних документи щодо майбутньої відбудови країни.

Аналітичний звіт 


Звіт є четвертим у серії аналітичних звітів, підготовлених БФ “Право на захист” на  тему впровадження положень Сендайської рамкової програми зниження ризиків лих. Матеріал планувався як інструмент допомоги у пошуку аргументів для стейкхолдерів у розробці та прийнятті стратегій зменшення ризику лих на різних рівнях. Розпочате 24 лютого 2022 року повномасштабне вторгнення Російської Федерації на територію України ще гостріше актуалізувало питання про застосування принципів Сендайської рамкової програми у післявоєнному відновленні країни. 

Під час підготовки звіту аналізувалась загальна спроможність України працювати із ризиками лих. Зокрема щодо виявлення ризиків лих, їхньої ідентифікації, планування заходів щодо попередження, посилення спроможності щодо стійкості під час настання ризиків лих, а також щодо реалізації Четвертого пріоритету Сендайської рамкової програми — відбудовувати «краще, ніж було» («Build Back Better»).

Аналітичний звіт “Сендайська рамкова програма зменшення лих як інструмент сталого розвитку: особливості застосування у мирний та воєнний час” (українська версія)

Analytical report “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction as a tool for sustainable development: particularities of implementation in peacetime and wartime” (ангійська версія)

Аналітична записка 


Документ є результатом попередньо проведеної роботи щодо виявлення рівня включення у державне управління України пріоритетів Сендайської рамкової програми зменшення лих. Він покликаний привернути увагу до зміни підходів до планування розвитку територій місцевих громад із дотриманням пріоритетів Сендайської рамкової програми. Зокрема, аналітична записка ґрунтується на її 4-му пріоритеті “відбудувати краще, ніж було”, а також містить практичні рекомендації щодо його запровадження в контексті сталого відновлення України. 

Запропоновані рекомендації сформовані на основі як аналітичного досвіду і дослідницької роботи, так і консультацій із профільними органами центральної виконавчої влади – Міністерством захисту довкілля та природних ресурсів, Міністерством розвитку громад та територій, а також Державною службою з надзвичайних ситуацій України. 

Аналітична записка “Підвищення ефективності готовності до катастроф та до відновлення, реабілітації і реконструкції за принципом “краще, ніж було” (українська версія)

Policy brief “Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction (англійська версія)

Консорціум ЗР був створений у 2019 році групою міжнародних та українських НУО з метою зменшення ризиків стихійних лих в Україні. Члени Консорціуму об’єднані спільною метою підготувати та захистити цивільне населення та стратегічно важливі системи та служби України до ризиків природних, екологічних та промислових катаклізмів.

Видання цих матеріалів стало можливим завдяки фінансовій підтримці Європейського Союзу через його Департамент цивільного захисту і гуманітарної допомоги (ЕСНО).


Софія Шутяк – стратегічний аналітик проєкту «Зменшення вразливості до ризиків катастроф в Україні (Фаза ІІ)», БФ “Право на захист”

Проте висловлені погляди та думки належать лише автору і не обов’язково відображають погляди Європейського Союзу чи Департаменту цивільного захисту і гуманітарної допомоги Європейського Союзу. Ні Європейський Союз, ні орган, що надає гранти, не несуть за них відповідальності.

#RiskReduction #Resilience #PreparePreventProtect #3PConsortium #ACTED #ECHO 

EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid – ECHO


Серію тематичних лонгрідів щодо сталого відновлення України можна додатково знайти за посиланнями:

  • Чи є можливим стале економічне післявоєнне відновлення України
  • Як буде відбудовуватись Україна? Від знання про ризики – до сталого відновлення
  • Управління ризиками та єдина державна система цивільного захисту: що потребує удосконалення?
  • Навіщо займатись зменшенням ризиків лих, якщо є система цивільного захисту? 
  • Зменшення ризиків катастроф – чому це важливо для громад?

UNHCR estimates that there were roughly 5,000 asylum seekers and refugees in Ukraine prior to the Russian invasion on 24 February 2022. More than 2000 of them are refugees and persons granted complementary protection in Ukraine. Most of them were forced to flee the war in Ukraine and come to the European Union.

According to article 2 of the Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382 of 4 March 2022 establishing the existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive 2001/55/EC, and having the effect of introducing temporary protection (hereinafter – Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382), nationals of third countries other than Ukraine, who benefited from international protection or equivalent national protection in Ukraine before 24 February 2022 and their family members are entitled to temporary protection.

Read below what documents issued by Ukraine confirm these statuses and find copies of them.

Who are beneficiaries from international protection in Ukraine?

Definition of international protection is established in Article 2 “Definitions” of DIRECTIVE 2011/95/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 13 December 2011 on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection, and for the content of the protection granted. According to this article para (a), ‘international protection’ means refugee status and subsidiary protection status as defined in points (e) and (g).

Refugee status is granted based on the LAW OF UKRAINE on Refugees and Persons in need of Complementary or Temporary Protection in Ukraine and Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951.

Refugees, who had to flee Ukraine after 24 February 2022 may have in their possession refugee’s certificate, the form of which is regulated by the DECREE of CABINET OF MINISTERS OF UKRAINE of October 11, 2002 № 1527 “On approval of the Resolution on the refugee’s certificate” (despite the fact that this resolution has already expired, the State Migration Service is allowed to use the available balance of refugee’s certificate forms, established by it):


refugee’s document for traveling abroad, the form of which is regulated by the DECREE of CABINET OF MINISTERS OF UKRAINE of October 11, 2002 № 1526 “On approval of Resolution on the refugee’s document for traveling abroad”(despite the fact that this resolution has already expired, the State Migration Service is allowed to use the available balance of refugee’s travel document forms, established by it).

According to the List “Travel documents issued by third countries and territorial entities (Part I)”, which is drawn up by the European Commission with the assistance of EU Member States and Schengen Associated States, ‘Refugee’s document for travelling abroad’ is issued to refugees in compliance with the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Document cover is in Cyrillic only. Data page reads: ‘Refugee’s document for travelling abroad’ and page one reads: ‘This document is a refugee’s document for travelling according to the Convention on the Refugee’s Status, 1951’. 18 Schengen countries recognize this travel document for crossing the external borders (Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein), 8 – do not recognize: the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Italy, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland.

In a situation of forced re-displacement in search of a safe country, refugees should be protected from the obstacles generated by the non-recognition of their travel documents.

Their right to freedom of movement is guaranteed by the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.

Host states and Ukraine should make efforts to ensure that refugee’s document for travelling abroad issued in Ukraine is recognized in all Schengen countries. 

Who are beneficiaries from equivalent national protection in Ukraine?

According to COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION on Operational guidelines for the implementation of Council implementing Decision 2022/382 establishing the existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive 2001/55/EC, and having the effect of introducing temporary protection, “the Commission considers that ‘equivalent national protection’ in Ukraine is an alternative to international protection and covers other forms of protection granted by Ukrainian authorities such as temporary protection or humanitarian protection. The Commission is currently gathering information from Ukrainian authorities regarding the forms of protection under Ukrainian law and the documents issued by Ukrainian authorities to beneficiaries of such forms of protection. From the preliminary information received, the documents issued by Ukraine are: a ‘travel document for persons granted complementary protection’, a ‘stateless person’s travel document’, and a ‘certificate for persons granted complementary protection”.

Complementary protection is granted based on the LAW OF UKRAINE on Refugees and Persons in need of Complementary or Temporary Protection in Ukraine

Persons, granted complementary protection, who had to flee Ukraine after 24 February 2022 may have in their possession certificate for persons in need  of  complementary protection, the form of which is regulated by the DECREE of CABINET OF MINISTERS OF UKRAINE of March 14, 2012 № 196 “On approval of the Resolution on the certificate for person in need of complementary protection ”:


travel document for persons granted complementary protection, the form of which is regulated by the DECREE of CABINET OF MINISTERS OF UKRAINE of March 14, 2012 № 197 “On approval of Resolution on the travel document for person granted complementary protection ”.

According to the List “Travel documents issued by third countries and territorial entities (Part I)”, which is drawn up by the European Commission with the assistance of EU Member States and Schengen Associated States, 19 Schengen countries recognize travel document for person granted complementary protection for crossing the external borders (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Latvia (recognized for exit or transit to return to the place of residence), Hungary, Malta,  Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Iceland) and 7 – do not recognize: Portugal, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Poland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden.

In a situation of forced re-displacement in search of a safe country persons granted complementary protection should be protected from the obstacles generated by the non-recognition of their travel documents.

Most persons granted complementary protection in Ukraine are unable to obtain a national passport, that is why their right to freedom of movement can become real only with the help of travel documents issued by Ukraine.

Host states and Ukraine should make efforts to ensure that travel document for person granted complementary protection issued by Ukraine is recognized in all Schengen countries.


Just before the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the representatives of CF Right to Protection, together with technical experts, within the framework of the Prepare Prevent Protect (3P) Consortium (ACTED,  IMPACT Initiatives, R2P, the Danish, and Ukrainian Red Cross Societies) have prepared the analytical report on the impact of dangerous environmental and technogenic factors on the health of the population of Eastern Ukraine.

The report analyzes the problems of the health care system in the Ukrainian-controlled territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions (as of February 24, 2022), which were caused or exacerbated by the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine, as well as environmental and technogenic hazards in these areas. The report contains respective recommendations for public authorities and authorized structures to reduce the mentioned risks to the health of residents of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which were relevant at the time of the invasion of the aggressor country in February 2022.

The report contains important and detailed information addressed to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, regional state administrations, etc. 

Considering the active hostilities that have taken place in Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, and one of the epicenters of which have become the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where the objects bearing risks of environmental and technogenic character are concentrated, the research itself, as well as conclusions and forecasts there acquire a new meaning.

You can download or view the document in .pdf format:

Analytical Report on the Impact of Dangerous Environmental and Technogenic Factors on the Health of the Population of Eastern Ukraine. Key results and Recommendations

Аналітичний звіт щодо впливу небезпечних екологічних і техногенних факторів на здоров’я населення Східної України (повна версія)

Аналітичний звіт щодо впливу небезпечних екологічних і техногенних факторів на здоров’я населення Східної України. Ключові результати та рекомендації

3P Consortium was established in 2019 by the group of international and Ukrainian NGOs to reduce disaster risk vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine. 3P Members of the Consortium are united by their desire to Prepare, Prevent and Protect civilian populations and critical service systems in Ukraine from the risks of natural, ecological and industrial disasters.

This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government within ‘Increasing resilience to disaster risk in eastern Ukraine’ project. Technical experts Olena Voloshchuk, Cand. Sc. (Biology), and Stanislav Galak, Cand. Sc. (Biology), were directly involved in the development of the analytical report. 

However, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.


Just before the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the representatives of CF Right to Protection, together with technical experts, within the framework of the Prepare Prevent Protect (3P) Consortium (ACTED,  IMPACT Initiatives, R2P, the Danish, and Ukrainian Red Cross Societies) have prepared the analytical report on decarbonization process in Eastern Ukraine. 

The report presents the results of the research and scenario analysis of coal industry restructuring (liquidation, conservation or reorientation of coal mining and coal processing enterprises for other types of economic activity) in Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the context of decarbonization and just transition. The document contains respective recommendations for public authorities and authorized structures on the process of decarbonization and just transition in Eastern Ukraine, which were relevant on the eve of the invasion of the aggressor country. 

The report contains important and detailed information addressed to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, regional state administrations and local governments of coal mining regions, as well as coal industry entities, in particular on improving the regulatory framework to reduce the main risks associated with the restructuring of the coal industry in Eastern Ukraine.

Considering the active hostilities that have taken place in Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, and one of the epicenters of which have become the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where are concentrated coal industry facilities and infrastructure, the research itself, as well as conclusions and forecasts there acquire a new meaning.

You can download or view the document in .pdf format:

Analytical Report on Decarbonization Process in Eastern Ukraine. Key results and Recommendations

Аналітичний звіт щодо дослідження процесу декарбонізації у Східній Україні (full version in Ukrainian)

Аналітичний звіт щодо дослідження процесу декарбонізації у Східній Україні. Ключові результати та рекомендації

3P Consortium was established in 2019 by the group of international and Ukrainian NGOs to reduce disaster risk vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine. 3P Members of the Consortium are united by their desire to Prepare, Prevent and Protect civilian populations and critical service systems in Ukraine from the risks of natural, ecological and industrial disasters.

This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government within ‘Increasing resilience to disaster risk in eastern Ukraine’ project. Experts from the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Technical Ecology were directly involved in the development of the analytical report. Among them are head of research Plyushchakova L.A., experts Chernenko R.O., Nefedova N.A., assistants Trufanov I.O., Chernouz Y.I.

However, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.


We are pleased to introduce to you the fifth paper in a series within the course of the project “Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine – Phase II” dedicated to the analysis of what should be done at the political and managerial levels today in order to launch country’s recovery based on sustainable development approaches, as well as on the “build back better” principle. And even more – to strengthen the organizational, security and economic resilience of the state to future risks and reduce the number of losses and casualties.

War is always a big stress for the country. This is a test of all state institutions for the effectiveness of ensuring security. Although war is not a thing to be under full control, it nevertheless reveals areas of development in the field of public administration, and also gives an impetus for the search for new political and practical solutions that will be aimed at protecting the country and people from the devastating consequences of war. And most of these decisions will be laid down in the process of reconstruction. 

What basic principle should be the basis for the reconstruction of the state?

What should a new infrastructure (including the critical) be like? What issues should be taken into account?

This short article attempts to provide at least an overview of these questions – more precise and specific answers will still require additional work in this direction. However, some general conclusions can already be outlined.

An overview of the legislative framework – what risks were we prepared for?

Here are some examples of legislative acts that show that Ukraine had war threats covered on its agenda, took them into account and evaluated potential war risks in order to identify high-risk facilities. In accordance with this agenda, measures are being taken to maximize the protection of the civilian population and economy from the negative consequences of war.

For instance, the Classification of Emergency Situations defines the following characteristics of man-caused emergencies: 

  • destruction, fires and explosions of arsenals of bases and warehouses where military weapons are stored, including obsolete ones; 
  • poisoning of people with chemical or toxic substances of military origin.

Characteristics of a Social emergency:

  •  an armed attack on military facilities.

Methodology for Identifying Potentially Hazardous Facilities under the number 30700 mentions “accidents at arsenals, ammunition depots and other military facilities with the release of splinters, rocket and conventional shells.” The risk is also associated with the production and storage of explosive materials used in production processes, as well as military equipment containing explosive materials that are manufactured, stored or disposed of.

Methodology for Assessing Risks and Their Acceptable Levels to Declare the Safety of High-risk Facilities among the rough list of external influences that can lead to the occurrence of dangerous events, under number 36 indicates “sabotage, war, rebellion that can lead to destruction, make a threat of accidents or such an accident itself.” Number 37 indicates “Sabotage, a terrorist act that can be carried out either accidentally or by order of competitors, extortionists, criminal groups, etc.”. So, as we can see, the main risks that the state faced in February 2022 were formulated and listed in legislative acts. 

An overview of strategic documents – do they mention risks?

For example, in national-level strategic documents you can often find information about the negative consequences of the war and the corresponding risks for the economic and other areas of development in the context of describing the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. All local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies that were developed for local communities with international partners’ support also considered the risks of military conflict and its consequences. However, is it possible to manage the risks of military threats? Probably, the answer to this question is a military and political issue, which goes far beyond the scope of this article.

However, according to UNDRR, risk management is becoming an increasingly complex task, given the complexity of causal relationships involved. War and conflict are integral parts of such assessment and the life of humanity.

Current context
The ability of ecosystems to self-renovation is slowly decreasing (for example, population growth contributes to the development of the agro-industry)
Environmental pollution and climate changePopulation growth in some places and depopulation in othersGrowth of the agro-industrial complex and weakening requirements for themUneven incomeMapping complex correlations and feedback loops
Environmental stressors that accompany constructionLoss of biodiversity


Heat waves
Complexity of international trade
Market speculation
Sudden and gradual tipping pointsA large-scale event or multiple failures at the same time may suddenly exceed the entire remaining capacityMoving (production)

Market instability
Price spikes
Crop failuresProblems with access to water 
Multiple bread basket failures
System failure
Currency destabilization

Political destabilization
Civil disorder
Food security
Food riots

Table is based on UNDRR materials

From 1946 to 2001 there were about 220 armed conflicts in the world (Panić, 2008) resulting in more than 20 million casualties and 67 million refugees. According to the UNHCR data as of 30th of March 2022, over 4 million refugees estimated to have fled to neighbouring countries since 24 February and rising.

According to the UN analytical report on post-war reconstruction, there are four risk factors contributing to provoking conflict.

  1. Low income per capita.
  2. Weak economic growth. 
  3. The presence of socio-economic horizontal inequality.
  4. A large number of valuable natural resources.

These risk factors are even more acute when there is high unemployment, especially among young people. We find it important to take them into account when developing a Recovery Program for the country, as well as strategic documents at all levels (local, regional, national) that will outline the way for the post-war development of the state.

How to transform risk awareness into sustainable recovery?

How to rebuild the country? What should be done at the political and managerial level now in order to strengthen the organizational, security and economic resilience of the state to future risks and reduce the number of losses and casualties?

The answers to these questions are appearing step-by-step in legislative acts. In particular, on March 20, 2022, the President signed the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning Environmental Activities and Civil Protection For The Period of Martial Law”. This Law was adopted pursuant to the Article 64 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Articles 12-1, 20 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law”, Presidential Decree No. 64 of February 24, 2022 “On the Introduction of Martial Law in Ukraine”. An analysis of the provisions of this Law demonstrates an attempt to restore the country as quickly as possible. In particular, amendments to the Civil Protection Code of Ukraine (Article 8) have expanded the tasks of the Unified State System of Civil Protection (USSCP) in order to:

– restore the country after the war to carry out targeted mobilization aiming at elimination of the consequences of military operations and emergency situations;

– eliminate the consequences of military operations in the settlements and territories affected by weapons of destruction; 

– restore critical infrastructure facilities in the sphere of life support of the population; 

– identify areas requiring humanitarian mine clearance, marking of dangerous areas, and clearance (demining) of territories; 

– involve international assistance to the elimination of the consequences of military operations and emergency situations.

It should be mentioned that such actions will bring the territory of the country into a state suitable for further living and conducting economic activities, but they will not guarantee the implementation of the fourth priority of the Sendai Framework Program for Disaster Risk Reduction (Sendai Framework) – “Build Back Better”, as these issues go beyond the scope of civil protection issues and the competence of the State Emergency Service. It is worth mentioning that since December 2022, Ukraine has been operating a program for the recovery of Ukraine (financial agreement between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank), however, this program does not apply to actions necessary for the recovery of Ukraine after the war. (1)

In addition, on March 16, 2022 the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced amendments to the institutional component. For example, in the structure of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the “Government Commissioner for investments” was replaced with “Government Commissioner for investments, attracting financial assistance under martial law, forming a fund for economic recovery and transformation, a fund to support small and medium enterprises, a fund to restore the property and destroyed infrastructure, a fund to service and repay public debt, an Army Support Fund, a Humanitarian Fund“. It is a good idea for the new Commissioner together with the Directorate for coordination of state policies and strategic planning to work jointly to develop the state Ukraine Recovery Programme “Ukraine 2050”. To create an efficient and realistic program, coordination and cooperation of all members and structural units of the Government of Ukraine are necessary. The need for such a program is determined by the creation of funds for the restoration of Ukraine (which we fully support)

However, we believe that in this context there is still some room for development and opportunities for more actions. Now we should think about a Ukraine Recovery Program and take into account all previous plans to implement the principles of sustainable development in Ukraine, as well as lessons of this war. In particular, we should think about the procedure for using resources from these funds, fundraising, etc.

The key to this strategy should be to define the criteria of the concept of “Build Back Better”. After all, the experience of the war shows a large number of logistical issues – the transport system needs to be radically improved. Increase the number of routes and roads, including railways and underground ones. Large cities that have become traps for a large number of people can be partially restored. There should be focus on the restoration and expansion of small villages and towns. A special issue is further economic development. Today the idea of a “Marshall Plan” for Ukraine is being discussed in the media, but in addition to it, Ukraine needs new vision of reforms, reconstruction and sustainable development. Financial assistance will contribute to rapid development only if there is a well-developed Recovery Programme and a clear action plan. Currently, Ukraine does not have such a program and plan, but right now the need for its development has become more acute.

As we mentioned before, taking into account the issues of civil protection, human safety during man-caused hazards, and environmental safety as components of national security is possible if all stakeholders involved strictly comply with standards for all types of safety. Moreover, it is the civil and human safety during man-caused hazards, and environmental safety that contribute to the continuous search for the best solutions to achieve goals, and one of the tools for ensuring safety is control (including environmental control).

We would like to remind you that due to the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, the constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and citizen provided for in the Articles 30–34, 38, 39, 41–44, 53 of the Constitution of Ukraine may be restricted temporarily for the duration of the legal regime of martial law. There are also temporary restrictions on the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities within the limits and to the extent necessary to ensure the possibility of introducing and implementing measures of the legal regime of martial law, which are provided for in Part one of Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law”. As we can see, Articles 66, 50, and 16 of the Constitution of Ukraine have not been changed. Ensuring the right to a safe environment is still relevant and should become the cornerstone issue, as well as the obligation not to cause harm to the environment. 

Therefore, the termination of scheduled and unscheduled measures of state supervision (control) and state market supervision for the period of martial law, introduced by Presidential Decree No. 64 of February 24, 2022 “On the Introduction of Martial Law in Ukraine” can only be a temporary measure necessary in an emergency. After all, the results of scheduled control are a tool for identifying sensitive issues and finding the best solutions. In addition, the control actions of official authorities will be able to properly create evidence for recording violations of war crimes, losses and damage caused. In its turn, the information and data collected during the control activities will be taken into account for the planning of reconstruction activities.

Unfortunately, we have no experience in planning the reconstruction of a country. But there is no doubt that the state should take the leadership in this process and ensure proper coordination. And here are the first steps. In particular, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 326 of March 20, 2022, approved the Procedure for assessing damage and losses caused to Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. Analysis of the content of this Resolution confirms that without being aware of the scale and the need for restoration, it will be difficult to estimate losses, and as a result, there will be difficulties in planning recovery, defining the approach to this process and its principles.

What basic principle should be the basis for the restoration of the state? We suggest considering the principle “Build Back Better”, which is laid down in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, as the basic one. This principle comprehensively reflects the idea of sustainable development and a risk-based approach to recovery. It should become the main value and methodological guidance in the development of the Ukraine Recovery Program and the respective action plan. It is reasonable to start developing these documents now at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with the broad involvement of all stakeholders. We would like to add that a compulsory stage in elaboration of such documents should be their strategic environmental assessment.

So, the general algorithm of actions suggested:

  1. Creation of a national system for recording and documenting the facts of destruction (primarily critical infrastructure facilities), movement of businesses and people, etc. It is advisable to provide such recording by creating a) an organizational and legal component of such a system – strengthening the role of regulatory authorities, providing them with security guarantees, adjusting the forms of inspections and methods of fixing violations, and b) an information and technical component – creating an online database that should be administered by the State Emergency Service, but which would be accessible by other state authorities (first of all, the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development and Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine) and international partners;
  2. Legal and regulatory adoption of the “Build Back Better” principle as the key principle of recovery;
  3. Conducting an assessment of the damages caused and making decisions on the feasibility of restoring facilities;
  4. Determining financial sources and material resources for recovery based on the “Build Back Better” principle;
  5. Coordination and unification of civil and human safety requirements in the context of man-caused hazards, as well as environmental safety demands to take into account the principles of sustainable development in decision-making;
  6. Elaboration (based on scientific outcomes) of state programs for the application of the best available technologies considering available local resources (National State Academy of Ukraine together with Ukrainian scientists should be involved).

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the reconstruction process should be implemented with broad discussion and the involvement of the international community and the general public.

“The principle “Build Back Better” should become the main value and methodological guidance in the development of the Ukraine Recovery Programme and the respective action plan.”

Sofia Shutyak, Strategic Analyst of the project “Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine (Phase II)”

This study was possible with the final support of the European Union through its Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations.

This document highlights humanitarian assistance activities funded by the European Union. The opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and should not be considered as representative of the European Commission’s official position, the European Commission is not responsible for the use of information in the document.

  1. The project is aimed at supporting multi-industry investment sub-projects in the field of municipal and social infrastructure aiming at overcoming the consequences of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, which devastated parts of this region between March and early September 2014 and continues to this day.

#RiskReduction #Resilience #PreparePreventProtect #3PConsortium #ACTED #ECHO EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid – ECHO


How to reduce the risk of emergencies in eastern Ukraine?

Members of SHIFT Project know how!

The International NGO ACTED has partnered with IMPACT Initiatives, Right to Protection (R2P), and the Danish Red Cross and Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) to implement a 12-month Sustainable Humanitarian Interventions for Transition (SHIFT) project, funded by the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF).

This project provides humanitarian assistance and access to essential services in three frontline hromadas of Volnovakha raion in eastern Ukraine (Volnovakha, Olhynka, and Myrne), as well as supports strengthened government ownership and response capacity in coordination with development actors. Moreover, it is a pilot project and an important step for the humanitarian system. It shifts away from direct service delivery by external NGOs, who have been implementing the humanitarian response for the past 7 years, and moves toward sustainable and cost-effective response managed by ocal authorities.




#SHIFTConsortium #SustainableHumanitarianTransition #UkraineNotForgotten #InvestInHumanity



One of the key objectives of the Decentralization Reform is to make social services as close as possible to the people who live in the amalgamated territorial communities (hromadas). The process of transferring the authority to provide social services to the local communities is not that easy. At first, the communities will have many questions and face a few difficulties. To help the hromadas, the Charitable Fund “Right to Protection” (R2P) has already been providing expert support for a long time.

In 2021, within the framework of the Project “Support of the Amalgamated Territorial Communities along the contact line in the Reorganization of the Social and Administrative Services with the Decentralization Reform” the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P) has organized preliminary consultations, meetings with hromada representatives to identify the possible solutions to the problems with access to social services.

The measures were aimed at implementing and supporting changes in governance resulting from the process of decentralization while strengthening local governments, accountability, and response capacity in coordination with participants. The implementation of initiatives in communities is a logical continuation of the systematic work on expert support of communities to establish a system of social services in target communities.

In 2022, the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P) continues to support community development initiatives aimed at improving access to social services.

communities захист

«In 2022, we will be able to help the hromadas establish the financial base to be able to improve the access to social services. The Project envisages the implementation of 5 initiatives in each community, the budget of each initiative is equivalent to 5000 US dollars in hryvnias. It is also planned to provide social workers with tablets, laptops, and uniforms so that they will become more recognizable so that people in the community will be able to recognize them,»

– tells Volodymyr Oleksenko, IDP Protection Coordinator at the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P).
Олег Любімов

«Recently we have held meetings with all the communities participating in the Project in eastern Ukraine. We have discussed the results of last year’s work, and outlined the plans for our future cooperation,»

— says Oleh Lyubimov, Decentralization Coordinator at the R2P.

“As the employees and managers of the CMA’s receive more powers, the more they feel responsible for the fulfillment of the functions these powers are related to. Yet, at the same time, they lack certain qualifications and special skills. We have seen their need for professional support, including assistance that our experts can provide. Therefore, the R2P’s task is to help them organize a functioning social services system, to be able to provide aid to all residents of their communities.”

– adds Oleh.

In total, five communities are participating in the Project. In the Donetsk region it is Marinska, Svitlodarska, Sartanska hromadas, and in the Luhansk region – Hirska and Nizhnyoteplivska.


«In the Luhansk region, we have specially selected those communities where elections did not take place, where there were no district centers before. From the very beginning, these communities did not have a social service network. They had to start from scratch,»,

– said Olena Hrekova, head of the Severodonetsk office of the Charitable Fund “Right to Protection” (R2P).

For example, in 2021 the experts of the R2P have been actively involved in the establishment of the Department of Social Protection of the Population in the Svitlodarska Civil-Military Administration (CMA). As a result, the Center for Social Services has been reformed. In the Nyzhnyoteplivska village hromada, the Department of Social Protection and the Center for Social Services have also been created. Employees of the community needed assistance in drafting legal and organizational documents.

«Further work will be focused on determining the hromada’s social needs – this will be a completely new work area. Based on this information, communities can apply for subsidies for the development of these social services, as well as to determine further activities to expand the new ones.»,

told Natalia Gubareva, a lawyer of the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P).

During the meetings, our experts have also told the community leaders about the most important instruments of financial support in 2022 from the Government of Ukraine.

Alina Hubar, the Deputy Head of the Nyzhnyoteplivska village hromada, shared her impressions about the cooperation:

«At first, we did not believe in ourselves, that we would find funds, that we would find specialists, without the help of the R2P it would have been difficult for us to even take the first step – to start the registration of the Department of Social Protection and the Center for Social Services. We are very grateful because you have opened our eyes to what we can do, you gave us confidence. Cause one man does not make a team. And most importantly, you have provided us with extremely effective tools!»,


  1. Helping the communities with the preparation of documents for participation in government programs
  2. Social services and welfare. How R2P helps to determine the needs of the population from the communities along the contact line
  3. Communities development = Ukraine development. How R2P helps ATCs and CMAs along the contact line to create a system of social services