Right to Protection is an NGO dedicatedto protecting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, stateless andundocumented persons, as well as internally displaced and conflict affected persons.
Month: November 2022
International standards for the protection of civilians, its adaptation to Ukrainian realities and the peculiarities of the Ukrainian protection standard were discussed at the educational training for officials, civil servants, employees of the State Emergency Service and social services in Khmelnytskyi by our professional trainers and consultants Maryna Turenok and Yulia Kostyuchenko.
“These are specialized modules for representatives of the authorities and services that respond to emergencies. During these two days, we built a clear plan of action and response to emergencies: with whom they should communicate, whom to involve in such cases, how to organize the process. All hromadas, without exception, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, faced problems when they did not know whom to involve in resolving the situation. There should be joint activities of different services in solving such issues,” said Yulia Kostiuchenko, civil protection consultant at the Right to Protection CF, trainer and volunteer with 9 years of experience.
Yulia also shared real cases when it was necessary to provide assistance to affected civilians. At the training, the case of rescuing a girl from Mariupol who lost all her relatives was worked out in detail. The military and volunteers managed to take her from the occupied territory to a safe hromada.
💬”We have analyzed in detail how we can help this child, who to involve, what help to provide in the first place. In such cases, it is really necessary to involve medical specialists who conduct examinations, psychologists, police, because it is necessary to find the next of kin who could establish guardianship. These are difficult but real stories of people who need help from the community,” said Yulia.
The trainings were held within the framework of the project “Preparedness and Stabilization in Central and Western Ukraine” implemented by the Right to Protection CF together with the NGO ACTED Ukraine and the IMPACT initiative and funded by the UK from the British people.
To update knowledge on civil protection and organization of evacuation activities, in especially in social institutions for persons with disabilities and the elderly – this was the goal of educational trainings from experts of the Right to Protection, which took place this week with representatives of the authorities in Vinnytsia, in particular the Regional and District Departments of Social Protection, the Service for Children at the regional and district levels, the State Emergency Service and the Center for Social Services.
The participants of the training received practical recommendations on organizational and legal support of civilians during crisis situations and improvement of emergency response capabilities of the authorities.
“We set ourselves the task of familiarizing the participants of the training in detail with the basic principles and standards of international humanitarian law, the work of international organizations and cluster systems that provide assistance to civilians during emergencies and armed conflicts, including those operating in Ukraine. And also to talk about humanitarian standards for the protection of children, women, the elderly and persons with disabilities, for their implementation during an emergency or humanitarian crisis or armed conflict”, – says Yulia Kostyuchenko, project trainer of the Found.
The project “Preparedness and Stabilization in Central and Western Ukraine” is implemented by the Right to Protection CF together with the NGO ACTED Ukraine and the IMPACT initiative and is funded by the UK from the British people.
The post-war recovery of Ukraine as a green and sustainable state is one of the most urgent issues on the agenda of both specialized public authorities and the relevant expert environment.
CF “Right to protection” in the frame of the project “Reducing disaster risk vulnerability in Ukraine (Phase ІІ)”, within the framework of the Prepare Prevent Protect Consortium (ЗР) (ACTED, IMPACT Initiatives, CF “Right to protection”, World Health Organization), prepared two interrelated analytical documents on the future reconstruction of the country.
Analytical report
This report is the fourth in a series of analytical reports prepared by the CF “Right to protection” on the implementation of the provisions of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The material was planned as a tool to help find arguments for stakeholders in the development and adoption of disaster risk reduction strategies at various levels. The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, made the issue of applying the principles of the Sendai Framework in the post-war reconstruction of the country even more urgent.
During the preparation of the report, the overall capacity of Ukraine to work with disaster risks was analyzed. In particular, with regard to the identification of disaster risks, planning of prevention measures, strengthening the capacity for resilience during the occurrence of disaster risks, as well as the implementation of the Fourth Priority of the Sendai Framework – “Build Back Better”.
Download the document in .pdf format:
Analytical report “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction as a tool for sustainable development: particularities of implementation in peacetime and wartime”
This document is the result of previously conducted work on identifying the level of inclusion of the priorities of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Reduction in the public administration of Ukraine. It is designed to draw attention to changing approaches to planning the development of local community territories in compliance with the priorities of the Sendai Framework. In particular, the policy brief is based on its 4th priority “Build Back Better”, and also contains practical recommendations for its implementation in the context of sustainable recovery of Ukraine.
The proposed recommendations are formed on the basis of both analytical experience and research work, as well as consultations with specialized bodies of the central executive authorities – the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Community and Territorial Development, as well as the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.
Download the document in .pdf format:
Policy brief “Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction
3P Consortium was established in 2019 by the group of international and Ukrainian NGOs to reduce disaster risk vulnerability in Ukraine. 3P Members of the Consortium are united by their desire to Prepare, Prevent and Protect civilian populations and critical service systems in Ukraine from the risks of natural, ecological and industrial disasters.
The publication of these materials was made possible thanks to the financial support of the European Union through its Department of Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO).
Sofiya Shutiak – Strategic Analyst of the project “Reducing disaster risks vulnerability in Ukraine (Phase II)”, CF “Right to protection”
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid department. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Післявоєнне відновлення України як зеленої та сталої держави є одним із найактуальніших питань на порядку денному як профільних органів публічної влади, так і відповідного експертного середовища.
БФ “Право на захист” в рамках проєкту «Зменшення вразливості до ризиків катастроф в Україні (Фаза ІІ)», в рамках Консорціуму зменшення ризику (ЗР) (ACTED, IMPACT Initiatives, БФ «Право на захист», World Health Organization), підготував два взаємопов’язаних аналітичних документи щодо майбутньої відбудови країни.
Аналітичний звіт
Звіт є четвертим у серії аналітичних звітів, підготовлених БФ “Право на захист” на тему впровадження положень Сендайської рамкової програми зниження ризиків лих. Матеріал планувався як інструмент допомоги у пошуку аргументів для стейкхолдерів у розробці та прийнятті стратегій зменшення ризику лих на різних рівнях. Розпочате 24 лютого 2022 року повномасштабне вторгнення Російської Федерації на територію України ще гостріше актуалізувало питання про застосування принципів Сендайської рамкової програми у післявоєнному відновленні країни.
Під час підготовки звіту аналізувалась загальна спроможність України працювати із ризиками лих. Зокрема щодо виявлення ризиків лих, їхньої ідентифікації, планування заходів щодо попередження, посилення спроможності щодо стійкості під час настання ризиків лих, а також щодо реалізації Четвертого пріоритету Сендайської рамкової програми — відбудовувати «краще, ніж було» («Build Back Better»).
Аналітичний звіт “Сендайська рамкова програма зменшення лих як інструмент сталого розвитку: особливості застосування у мирний та воєнний час” (українська версія)
Analytical report “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction as a tool for sustainable development: particularities of implementation in peacetime and wartime” (ангійська версія)
Документ є результатом попередньо проведеної роботи щодо виявлення рівня включення у державне управління України пріоритетів Сендайської рамкової програми зменшення лих. Він покликаний привернути увагу до зміни підходів до планування розвитку територій місцевих громад із дотриманням пріоритетів Сендайської рамкової програми. Зокрема, аналітична записка ґрунтується на її 4-му пріоритеті “відбудувати краще, ніж було”, а також містить практичні рекомендації щодо його запровадження в контексті сталого відновлення України.
Запропоновані рекомендації сформовані на основі як аналітичного досвіду і дослідницької роботи, так і консультацій із профільними органами центральної виконавчої влади – Міністерством захисту довкілля та природних ресурсів, Міністерством розвитку громад та територій, а також Державною службою з надзвичайних ситуацій України.
Аналітична записка “Підвищення ефективності готовності до катастроф та до відновлення, реабілітації і реконструкції за принципом “краще, ніж було” (українська версія)
Policy brief “Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction (англійська версія)
Консорціум ЗР був створений у 2019 році групою міжнародних та українських НУО з метою зменшення ризиків стихійних лих в Україні. Члени Консорціуму об’єднані спільною метою підготувати та захистити цивільне населення та стратегічно важливі системи та служби України до ризиків природних, екологічних та промислових катаклізмів.
Видання цих матеріалів стало можливим завдяки фінансовій підтримці Європейського Союзу через його Департамент цивільного захисту і гуманітарної допомоги (ЕСНО).
Софія Шутяк – стратегічний аналітик проєкту «Зменшення вразливості до ризиків катастроф в Україні (Фаза ІІ)», БФ “Право на захист”
Проте висловлені погляди та думки належать лише автору і не обов’язково відображають погляди Європейського Союзу чи Департаменту цивільного захисту і гуманітарної допомоги Європейського Союзу. Ні Європейський Союз, ні орган, що надає гранти, не несуть за них відповідальності.
Last week turned out to be busy for our organization for international work meetings. Yes, our advocacy coordinator Tetiana Luzan visited Washington. There, she took part in a gathering of employees on issues of international policy, advocacy, communications, and the involvement of the Jewish community, organized by the foundation’s long-standing partners, which started the existence of the BF “Right to Protection” in Ukraine – HIAS.
Tetyana Luzan met with representatives of civil society in the USA, and also talked with representatives of congressmen’s offices specializing in issues related to Ukraine. She talked about the work of the fund in the conditions of a full-scale invasion, the directions of our activities and the main problems that our colleagues are working on solving within the framework of the projects implemented by the fund.
I drew attention to the issue of housing for immigrants. Thus, in September, the government of Ukraine approved a special simplified procedure for providing housing for temporary use to displaced persons and persons whose housing was destroyed using the funds of humanitarian and other aid.
“Ukrainian legislation provides for the possibility of providing IDPs with temporary housing for a period of up to one year, with the possibility of further extension. Such housing is provided at the expense of special housing funds created for these purposes by local self-government bodies. However, in the absence of such premises, as well as financial resources for their construction, reconstruction or acquisition, which may be necessary for the formation of such funds, local authorities may not be able to provide IDPs with temporary housing. As an option, it can be financed by international donors”, – noted Tetiana Luzan.
The meetings also discussed the issue of providing psychological assistance to Ukrainians and the need for psychosocial support. Currently, such support is often provided by humanitarian organizations, where there are experts who specialize in psychological trauma caused, for example, by military conflicts. However, their number is not sufficient to provide assistance to all who need it.
We are glad that we were able to talk about the problems of Ukrainians at such a high level. We are sure, that this will speed up the resolution of certain issues and help us to help people even more!
Thank you to HIAS for the invitation and high evaluation of our work.