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Read the advices of lawyers CF “The right to protection” here.

Read the advices of lawyers CF “The right to protection” here.


Today we present ‘Restoration of social ties between TOT residents by improving access to the most requested services’ research findings.

This survey aims to find out how, given the current restrictions on freedom of movement in Donbas, it is possible to alleviate the condition of people affected by an armed conflict and to grant them access to the most requested services.

This monitoring was conducted by CF ‘Right to Protection’ within the framework of the Multi-Sectoral Humanitarian Aid to Conflict-Affected Populations in Eastern Ukraine Project implemented by CF ’Right to Protection’ with the financial support of the European Commission under the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid within the ACCESS consortium and with the assistance of the Advocacy, Protection and Legal Assistance to IDPs Project, implemented by CF ‘Right to Protection’ with the support of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

The document is available both in Ukrainian and English.


Пропонуємо до вашої уваги результати моніторингового дослідження «Відновлення соціальних зв’язків мешканців ТОТ через поліпшення доступу до найбільш затребуваних сервісів».

Дослідження покликане з’ясувати, яким чином в умовах наявних обмежень свободи пересування на Донбасі можливо полегшити становище людей, що зазнали наслідків збройного конфлікту, і забезпечити їм доступ до найбільш затребуваних послуг та сервісів.

Моніторинг проводився БФ «Право на захист» в межах проекту «Надання багатогалузевої гуманітарної допомоги постраждалому від конфлікту населенню Східної України», який реалізується БФ «Право на захист» за фінансової підтримки Європейської комісії в рамках цивільного захисту та гуманітарної допомоги Європейського союзу в межах консорціуму ACCESS та за участі проекту «Адвокація, захист та правова допомога ВПО», який реалізує БФ «Право на захист» за підтримки Агентства ООН у справах біженців (UNHCR).

Із документом можна ознайомитися українською і англійською мовою.Today we present ‘Restoration of social ties between TOT residents by improving access to the most requested services’ research findings.

This survey aims to find out how, given the current restrictions on freedom of movement in Donbas, it is possible to alleviate the condition of people affected by an armed conflict and to grant them access to the most requested services.

This monitoring was conducted by CF ‘Right to Protection’ within the framework of the Multi-Sectoral Humanitarian Aid to Conflict-Affected Populations in Eastern Ukraine Project implemented by CF ’Right to Protection’ with the financial support of the European Commission under the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid within the ACCESS consortium and with the assistance of the Advocacy, Protection and Legal Assistance to IDPs Project, implemented by CF ‘Right to Protection’ with the support of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

The document is available both in Ukrainian and English.


Today we present R2P report ‘Crossing the line of contact’ for August 2019. It is based on data collected during 47 visits to the five entry-exit checkpoints (EECPs) in August 2019. More statistical data can be found on the Eastern Ukraine Checkpoint Monitoring Online Dashboard.


▪ Maiorske EECP was closed on 28/08/2019 from 13:15 to 14:20 due to the “red” alert. According to the people traveling from NGCA, they had to wait on the checkpoint without a bomb shelter during the alert. Civilians in GCA were evacuated from the EECP.

▪ UNHCR with support from its partner NGO Proliska launched an electric car at Stanytsia Luhanska EECP to transport most vulnerable pedestrians: 75+, people with disabilities, pregnant women and children. The electric car operates daily from 7 AM to 5 PM and can transport up to 400 people a day.

▪ By the end of August, the demining process in the vicinity of Stanytsia Luhanska EECP was completed in GCA, preparations for the reconstruction of the bridge are in progress.

▪ The number of respondents who were accompanying minors (mostly (90%) – NGCA residents) reached 15%, which is 8% more than the average for previous months of 2019. Older people were less likely to travel with children (6% compared to 37% of respondents aged 18-34). Such respondents had substantially different reasons for crossing, as seen on the chart.

The report is based on the results of a survey conducted by R2P at the five EECPs to enter the NGCA and administered on a regular basis since June 2017. The survey is a part of the monitoring of violations of rights of conflict-affected populations within the framework of the project ‘Advocacy, Protection and Legal Assistance to IDPs’ implemented by R2P, with the support of UNHCR. The purpose of the survey is to explore reasons and concerns of those traveling from the NGCA to the GCA, as well as conditions and risks associated with crossing the line of contact through EECPs. The information collected in the survey helps identify protection needs, gaps and trends, and provides an evidentiary basis for advocacy efforts.The document can be downloaded in English and Ukrainian.


Сьогодні ми презентуємо моніторинговий звіт БФ «Право на захист» «Перетин лінії зіткнення через КПВВ» за серпень 2019 року.

В основу звіту покладені дані, зібрані протягом 47 візитів на п’ять контрольних пунктів в’їзду-виїзду (КПВВ) в серпні 2019 року. Більше статистичних даних можна знайти за посиланням.

Головні події:

▪ КПВВ «Майорське» не працювало 28/08/2019 з 13:15 по 14:20 через введення режиму «червоний». За словами людей, що їхали з НКУУТ, під час введення режиму «червоний», вони були змушені чекати на блокпості НКУУТ без укриття. Цивільних осіб на КУУТ евакуювали з КПВВ.
▪ УВКБ ООН за підтримки НУО «Проліска» запустили електричний автомобіль для перевезення найбільш вразливих категорій пішоходів: 75+, осіб з інвалідністю, вагітних жінок та дітей. Електричний автомобіль працює щоденно з 07:00 до 17:00 та може перевозити до 400 осіб на день.
▪ Наприкінці серпня було завершено процес розмінування поблизу КПВВ «Станиця Луганська» на КУУТ, підготовка до реконструкції моста триває.
▪ Кількість респондентів, що супроводжували неповнолітніх осіб (переважно жителі НКУУТ) досягло 15%, що на 8% більше за середній показник у попередні місяці 2019 року. Особи старшого віку рідше подорожували з дітьми (6% порівняно з 37% респондентів у віці 18-34 років). Причини перетину таких респондентів суттєво відрізнялися, як видно з графіків

Звіт містить інформацію, зібрану БФ «Право на Захист» в межах опитування, що регулярно проводиться з червня 2017 року. КПВВ розташовані в Донецькій («Майорське», «Мар’їнка», «Гнутове» та «Новотроїцьке») та Луганській («Станиця Луганська») областях. Опитування є частиною моніторингу порушення прав населення, що постраждало від конфлікту, та проводиться в межах проєкту «Адвокація, захист та правова допомога внутрішньо переміщеним особам України», що реалізується БФ «Право на захист» за підтримки Агентства ООН у справах біженців (UNHCR). Таке опитування має на меті з’ясувати причини, умови та ризики, які супроводжують перетин лінії зіткнення через КПВВ. Зібрана під час опитування інформація допоможе визначити потреби, прогалини та тенденції, а також забезпечити доказову базу для діяльності з адвокації.

Документ можна завантажити англійською та українською мовами.

Today we present R2P report ‘Crossing the line of contact’ for August 2019. It is based on data collected during 47 visits to the five entry-exit checkpoints (EECPs) in August 2019. More statistical data can be found on the Eastern Ukraine Checkpoint Monitoring Online Dashboard.


▪ Maiorske EECP was closed on 28/08/2019 from 13:15 to 14:20 due to the “red” alert. According to the people traveling from NGCA, they had to wait on the checkpoint without a bomb shelter during the alert. Civilians in GCA were evacuated from the EECP.
▪ UNHCR with support from its partner NGO Proliska launched an electric car at Stanytsia Luhanska EECP to transport most vulnerable pedestrians: 75+, people with disabilities, pregnant women and children. The electric car operates daily from 7 AM to 5 PM and can transport up to 400 people a day.
▪ By the end of August, the demining process in the vicinity of Stanytsia Luhanska EECP was completed in GCA, preparations for the reconstruction of the bridge are in progress.
▪ The number of respondents who were accompanying minors (mostly (90%) – NGCA residents) reached 15%, which is 8% more than the average for previous months of 2019. Older people were less likely to travel with children (6% compared to 37% of respondents aged 18-34). Such respondents had substantially different reasons for crossing, as seen on the chart.

The report is based on the results of a survey conducted by R2P at the five EECPs to enter the NGCA and administered on a regular basis since June 2017. The survey is a part of the monitoring of violations of rights of conflict-affected populations within the framework of the project ‘Advocacy, Protection and Legal Assistance to IDPs’ implemented by R2P, with the support of UNHCR. The purpose of the survey is to explore reasons and concerns of those traveling from the NGCA to the GCA, as well as conditions and risks associated with crossing the line of contact through EECPs. The information collected in the survey helps identify protection needs, gaps and trends, and provides an evidentiary basis for advocacy efforts.The document can be downloaded in English and Ukrainian.


Olena is an IDP and a student. She studied and received a survivor’s pension. In July 2018, after the end of the academic year, her pension was suspended.

On September 6, 2018, she submitted a certificate of study at the university to the Department of Pension Fund of Ukraine (DoPFU), so in November the payments were reinstated. However, she received her pension only for November. Olena addressed the PFU again. But PFU in a written reply stated that the pension arrears for the previous period (from July 1 to October 31, 2018) will be paid in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) No. 335 dated April 25, 2018. That is, they promised to pay the arrears on a special Order. The only problem is that the Order does not exist, because the CMU did not accept it.

The girl addressed to CF “The Right to Protection”. Its lawyer Vira Turu applied to PFU and cited the norms of the current Ukrainian legislation regarding the unlawfulness of non-payment of pension arrears. Thanks to this, the dispute was resolved in a pre-trial order – In February 2019, Olena received pension arrears for the entire period.


Olena is an IDP and a student. She studied and received a survivor’s pension. In July 2018, after the end of the academic year, her pension was suspended.

On September 6, 2018, she submitted a certificate of study at the university to the Department of Pension Fund of Ukraine (DoPFU), so in November the payments were reinstated. However, she received her pension only for November. Olena addressed the PFU again. But PFU in a written reply stated that the pension arrears for the previous period (from July 1 to October 31, 2018) will be paid in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) No. 335 dated April 25, 2018. That is, they promised to pay the arrears on a special Order. The only problem is that the Order does not exist, because the CMU did not accept it.

The girl addressed to CF “The Right to Protection”. Its lawyer Vira Turu applied to PFU and cited the norms of the current Ukrainian legislation regarding the unlawfulness of non-payment of pension arrears. Thanks to this, the dispute was resolved in a pre-trial order – In February 2019, Olena received pension arrears for the entire period.