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Today we present the report ‘Crossing the line of contact’ for May 2019. It is based on data collected during  visits to the five entry-exit checkpoints (EECPs) in May 2019. More statistical data can be found on the Eastern Ukraine Checkpoint Monitoring Online Dashboard.

▪ In the GCA three elderly persons died while crossing the contact line in May (2 of them died at Marinka and 1 at Maiorske EECP). Preliminary information suggests that the causes of death in all these incidents were related to heart diseases.

▪ Due to the temperature increase and stuffiness under the sheds, the number of people fainting at Stanytsia Luhanska EECP continues to grow (7-10 persons per day).

▪ The water supply issue at Stanytsia Luhanska EECP remains unsolved. Continuous lack of potable water at the EECP is especially acute due to the weather changes.

▪ Since May 13 SBGS servicemen at Marinka EECP are required to manually fill the tickets for passing the EECP in addition to checking the permits for crossing the contact line. It significantly slows down the crossing procedure.

▪ SBGS at Stanytsia Luhanska continues to restrict the movement of people who are charging elderlies and persons with impaired mobility for transporting them through the EECP. Due to the restrictions these people have to walk a great distance themselves.

▪ The SBGS representatives received instructions to ensure the expedited crossing of schoolers from the NGCA who are travelling through the contact line to pass the External Independent Testing.

The document can be downloaded in English and Ukrainian.


Today we present the report ‘Crossing the line of contact’ for May 2019. It is based on data collected during  visits to the five entry-exit checkpoints (EECPs) in May 2019. More statistical data can be found on the Eastern Ukraine Checkpoint Monitoring Online Dashboard.

▪ In the GCA three elderly persons died while crossing the contact line in May (2 of them died at Marinka and 1 at Maiorske EECP). Preliminary information suggests that the causes of death in all these incidents were related to heart diseases.

▪ Due to the temperature increase and stuffiness under the sheds, the number of people fainting at Stanytsia Luhanska EECP continues to grow (7-10 persons per day).

▪ The water supply issue at Stanytsia Luhanska EECP remains unsolved. Continuous lack of potable water at the EECP is especially acute due to the weather changes.

▪ Since May 13 SBGS servicemen at Marinka EECP are required to manually fill the tickets for passing the EECP in addition to checking the permits for crossing the contact line. It significantly slows down the crossing procedure.

▪ SBGS at Stanytsia Luhanska continues to restrict the movement of people who are charging elderlies and persons with impaired mobility for transporting them through the EECP. Due to the restrictions these people have to walk a great distance themselves.

▪ The SBGS representatives received instructions to ensure the expedited crossing of schoolers from the NGCA who are travelling through the contact line to pass the External Independent Testing.

The document can be downloaded in English and Ukrainian.


Пропонуємо до вашої уваги моніторинговий звіт «Перетин лінії зіткнення через КПВВ» за травень 2019 року. В основу звіту покладені дані візитів на п’ять контрольних пунктів в’їзду-виїзду (КПВВ) в травні 2019 року. Більше статистичних даних можна знайти за посиланням.

▪ На КУУТ три особи похилого віку померли під час перетину лінії зіткнення в травні (2 на КПВВ «Мар’їнка», 1 на КПВВ «Майорське»). За попередньою інформацією, причини смерті були пов’язані з хворобами серця.
▪ Через спеку та задуху під навісами, кількість випадків втрати свідомості на КПВВ «Станиця Луганська» продовжує зростати (7-10 осіб на день).
▪ Проблема водопостачання на КПВВ «Станиця Луганська» залишається невирішеною. Недостатнє постачання питної води на КПВВ суттєво ускладнює перетин лінії зіткнення у літній період.
▪ З 13 травня працівників ДПСУ на КПВВ «Мар’їнка» зобов’язали заповнювати вручну талони на проходження КПВВ, на додачу до перевірки дозволів на перетин лінії зіткнення. Це суттєво сповільнює процедуру перетину.
▪ ДПСУ на КПВВ «Станиця Луганська» продовжує обмежувати рух людей, які перевозять маломобільних осіб між блокпостами КУУТ та НКУУТ за плату. Через обмеження, такі особи змушені проходити велику відстань пішки.
▪ Представники ДПСУ отримали інструкції щодо режиму сприяння та позачергового пропуску школярів з НКУУТ, які перетинають лінію зіткнення для проходження зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання (ЗНО).

Документ можна завантажити англійською та українською мовами.Today we present the report ‘Crossing the line of contact’ for May 2019. It is based on data collected during  visits to the five entry-exit checkpoints (EECPs) in May 2019. More statistical data can be found on the Eastern Ukraine Checkpoint Monitoring Online Dashboard.

▪ In the GCA three elderly persons died while crossing the contact line in May (2 of them died at Marinka and 1 at Maiorske EECP). Preliminary information suggests that the causes of death in all these incidents were related to heart diseases.

▪ Due to the temperature increase and stuffiness under the sheds, the number of people fainting at Stanytsia Luhanska EECP continues to grow (7-10 persons per day).

▪ The water supply issue at Stanytsia Luhanska EECP remains unsolved. Continuous lack of potable water at the EECP is especially acute due to the weather changes.

▪ Since May 13 SBGS servicemen at Marinka EECP are required to manually fill the tickets for passing the EECP in addition to checking the permits for crossing the contact line. It significantly slows down the crossing procedure.

▪ SBGS at Stanytsia Luhanska continues to restrict the movement of people who are charging elderlies and persons with impaired mobility for transporting them through the EECP. Due to the restrictions these people have to walk a great distance themselves.

▪ The SBGS representatives received instructions to ensure the expedited crossing of schoolers from the NGCA who are travelling through the contact line to pass the External Independent Testing.

The document can be downloaded in English and Ukrainian.