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Today we present the report ‘Crossing the contact line’ for October 2021, prepared by the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P). The report is based on data collected during the monitoring of the situation at the EECPs in eastern Ukraine, as well as on the IBCPs “Milove” and “Hoptivka” on the border with Russia.

More statistical data is available on the Online Dashboard.

  • During October, crossing the contact line remained possible only through two of the seven EECPs: Novotroitskein Donetska Oblast and Stanytsia Luhanskain Luhanska Oblast. The numbers of people crossing the EECPs are still being affected by COVID-19. The restrictions on the other five EECPs are imposed by de facto authorities as a measure to limit the spread of COVID-19. The number of crossings in October fell by half that of the previous month. According to State Border Guard Service (SBGS) statistics, 28,205 people crossed the contact line in October, compared with 70,000 in September.
‘Crossing the contact line’, October, 2021 (REPORT) Перетин лінії розмежування через КПВВ, жовтень–2021 (ЗВІТ)

On 9 October, the de facto authorities in the Luhansk NGCA temporarily imposed further restrictions on people crossing Stanytsia Luhanska EECP*, in response to a rise in COVID-19 cases. For one month, they only allowed people to cross the contact line who were registered as permanent residents in their place of destination (GCA residents could return to the GCA and NGCA residents to the NGCA). All others needed permission from the de facto authorities for one or more of the following reasons:

  • treatment and rehabilitation;
  • education;
  • caring for a relative;
  • burial of a relative.

These restrictions, which led to a significant reduction in the number of people crossing, were lifted on 11 November.

  • In October, 4,375 vulnerable elderly persons were transported across the Stanytsia Luhanska EECP by an electric vehicle run by the NGO Proliska in cooperation with UNHCR.
‘Crossing the contact line’, October, 2021 (REPORT) ‘Crossing the contact line’, October, 2021 (REPORT) Перетин лінії розмежування через КПВВ, жовтень–2021 (ЗВІТ)
  • According to the data obtained from the laboratories located at the EECPs, 1,115 persons, 78 per centof those who entered GCA via Novotroitske EECP, took antigen tests for COVID-19 during October, as did 2,226 persons, 22 per centof those who entered GCAvia Stanytsia Luhanska EECP. Meanwhile, in Donetska Oblast, 24 people were referred to the observation facility because they had no compatible smartphone to install the Vdoma app. There were still no state-run observation facilities in Luhanska Oblast.
  • Visiting relatives remains NGCA residents’ top reason given for crossing the EECPs since October 2020. Seeking access to banking facilities and administrative/social services (including pension funds) are the other most commonly cited reasons for crossing from the NGCA to GCA areas, as before the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The requirement to download the Vdoma app continues to be a problem for half those who were asked, especially people aged 60+ (18 per cent of all respondents).
‘Crossing the contact line’, August, 2021 (REPORT) Перетин лінії розмежування через КПВВ, серпень–2021 (ЗВІТ)

IBCP Observations

  • Crossings through the international border crossing point (IBCP) at Milove in Luhanska Oblast have risen by about 4,000 per month since August. R2P monitors in October noticed more cars with Luhansk number plates, which may indicate that some NGCA residents were there to get round the temporary restrictions at Stanytsia Luhanska EECP after 9 October. R2P monitors also observe very few NGCA residents being fined. NB: Numbers of those crossing the IBCP include all Ukrainians, including those unconnected to the NGCA.
  • Reconstruction work (new asphalt and street lights) continued at Milove IBCP. In addition, UNHCR installed shelters and prefabricated modules.
  • Lack of shelters, severe weather conditions and infrequent bus services at Hoptivka IBCP make the trip for pedestrians there arduous. Yet, Hoptivka has more crossings than Milove because it is near to Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city.
  • 278 people were sent to the observation facility in October at Milove, compared with 98 people in September.

The report is available in:



The report is based on the results of a survey, regularly conducted by the specialists of the Charitable Fund “Right to Protection” (R2P) at the five EECPs in the Government-Controlled Areas (GCA) and administered regularly since June 2017. The survey is a part of the monitoring of violations of the rights of a conflict-affected population within the framework of the project “Advocacy, Protection and Legal Assistance to the Internally Displaced Population” implemented by the R2P with the support of UNHCR.

The purpose of a survey is to explore the reasons and concerns of those traveling from the NGCA to the GCA, as well as conditions and risks associated with crossing the ‘contact line’ through EECPs. The information collected in the survey helps identify protection needs, gaps, and trends, and provides an evidentiary basis for the advocacy efforts.

UNHCR and R2P are grateful for the critical financial support provided by donors who have contributed to the Ukraine operation, as well as those who have contributed to UNHCR programs with broadly earmarked and unearmarked funds.



The specialists of the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P) were approached by the residents of one of the settlements near the contact line, who reported that a man born in 1959, who had not had a permanent residence for about two years, lived in their settlement. He periodically lives in the basements of apartment buildings and on the street.

The Fund’s social workers visited the settlement to obtain more detailed information and talk to the beneficiary. As a result, it was found out that the man is currently living in a summerhouse with a local resident. The house is not equipped with heating, there is no drainage, water supply, and other conditions for permanent residence.

The man speaks poorly, possibly due to a stroke he suffered, and needs a medical examination.  He is not officially employed. It is impossible to issue a pension due to insufficient length of service, as evidenced by the official refusal of the territorial division of the Pension Fund. Man has the identity documents, employment record book, and education documents (previously restored by the house management representatives).

Employees of the R2P interviewed the man’s sister about taking him in, but the woman refused.

To help homeless man, a request was sent to the head of the Volnovakha City Civil-Military Administration for social protection, to register him as a homeless person, as well as further appropriate actions and measures under the Law of Ukraine “On Fundamentals of Social Protection homeless people and homeless children.”

As a result of joint work, a joint visit of employees of the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P), the Center for Social Services, and the Territorial Center for Social Services of the Volnovakha City Territorial Community was carried out, during which a detailed explanation was provided regarding the registration of a man and the provision of services by the Territorial Center for Social Services of the Volnovakha City Territorial Community.

We have discussed the possibility of man’s placement in charitable rehabilitation centers, but the man refused the offer. The man was informed about the possibility of organizing his escort to the hospital and about receiving humanitarian aid.

As a result of the joint work, the man was registered as a homeless citizen at the Territorial Center for Social Services of the Volnovakha City Territorial Community, and a certificate of registration of a homeless person was issued.

Unfortunately, the problem of living conditions remains unresolved. The state of health (stroke) and the age of the man do not allow him to work, rent a house, and generally support existence on his own.

According to the results of the next visit to the beneficiary, it was established that he continues to live in an unsuitable place (summer country house) without heating, electricity, and water supply. During the visit, we have also recorded the absence of food, lack of proper sanitary, hygienic, and temperature conditions. His health condition is a cause for concern.

Being worried about his own life due to the gradual decrease in air temperature, the man appealed to us to help him settle in a communal or private boarding house in the Donetsk region.

Realizing that further deterioration of weather conditions, lower air temperature endangers the life of the citizen, employees of the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P) appealed to the Territorial Center for Social Services of the Volnovakha City Territorial Community to place a homeless person in boarding house.

But while this question is being solved, weather conditions worsen and the man freezes in a country house. R2P Team found a temporary place of residence in one of the charitable centers for six months, where he then was taken. Now we are reassured knowing that our beneficiary will spend the cold season in the warm and will be provided with the means of subsistence.







As stipulated by the Constitution of Ukraine, the right to a safe and healthy environment is guaranteed by the state[1]. The occurrence of a disaster, or any emergency or set of emergencies, as well as the risk of their occurrence, represent the factors that violate the right to a safe environment for life and health. In this context, a necessary condition for guaranteeing the right to a safe environment for life and health is a determination about the possibility of risk control and risk management through disaster risk reduction.

The level of security is mainly characterized by uncertainty. Provided there is enough information about the actual state of the environment, then we understand what is happening now and what changes may appear, and it gives us an opportunity to respond appropriately, and therefore, feel more or less safe. Thus, the skillful identification of the causes of disasters or other phenomena that may threaten the citizens’ life or health and their management will ensure the possibility of human life in an environment that does not cause harm to health.

First of all, people want to use safe natural goods to satisfy their vital needs. Most of these needs require a certain organization of the efforts of a certain community. The state, and in particular, communities, as well as individuals and legal entities, unite to implement all necessary methods and measures to achieve environmental safety.

According to Article 293 of the Civil Code of Ukraine (CCU),an individual has the right to a safe environment for life and health, the right to accurate information about the environment, the quality of food and household items, as well as the right to collect and distribute it. Part 4 of this article stipulates that an individual has the right to appropriate, safe and healthy working, living, studying, etc.

The environmental safety issue is considered in Art. 50 of the Law of Ukraine on Environmental Protection. According to this standard, ecological safety is a state of the environment in which the deterioration of the ecological situation and the emergence of danger to human health is prevented. To the citizens of Ukraine, environmental safety is guaranteed by implementing a wide range of interrelated political, economic, technical, organizational, state and legal, and other measures. As stipulated by Article 31 of the same law, environmental safety is achieved through environmental regulation (establishment of a set of mandatory standards, rules, requirements for environmental protection, use of natural resources, and environmental safety).

Also, environmental safety is achieved through assessment that includes the requirements of environmental legislation, the ecological capacity of a certain territory, the state of the environment in the area where it has been planned to place objects, environmental forecasts, prospects for the social and economic development of the region, capacity and types of the cumulative impact of harmful factors and objects on the environment.

Pursuant to Article 25 of the Law of Ukraine on Environmental Protection, environmental information includes information that can be generated only if it is processed through forecasts and risk assessment. For example, “sources, factors, materials, substances, products, energy, physical factors (noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation, radiation) that affect or may affect the state of the environment and human health;” can be established through the data analysis, monitoring, and evaluation, database maintenance, the formation of an information system.

The same applies to the information on the threats and causes of environmental emergencies, the results of the elimination of these phenomena, recommendations for measures to reduce their negative impact on natural objects and human health; ecological forecasts, plans, and programs, measures, including administrative, state environmental policy, legislation on environmental protection.

As for the information on the costs associated with the implementation of environmental measures through environmental funds, other sources of funding, economic analysis conducted within the decision-making process with relation to environmental issues, this information can be collected post factum. However, the analysis of these data helps to formulate the size of environmental funds, as well as explain the feasibility of financing preventive measures.

Engineering protection of technologies is what allows to protect the population and territories from emergencies and presents measures to ensure environmental safety, which includes man-made safety as well.

One of the signs of guaranteeing environmental safety is the degree of determination of certain social processes based on the activity of external factors. To accomplish this, let us appeal to riskology – a science that studies risks, namely, the reasons for their occurrence, possible consequences, systematizes, evaluates, and analyzes them, determines minimization ways, and risk management methods.

The simplest but most effective way to identify risks is causal; its basics are shown in the diagram.

Fig. 1 Scheme of identification of risk types[2]

Risk management requires an understanding of their classification that contributes to better identification of the uncertainties to be addressed. There are several classifications. For example, in the context of a dangerous type, there are man-made (anthropogenic), natural, and mixed risks. The risks of the relevant management sphere, in particular, energy, transport, resources, investment, etc. are determined proceeding from the activity nature. Risks may be assessed depending on the objects, such as risks to health, housing, environment, property, etc.

There is also a qualitative characteristic of assessments, which depends on the qualification features of risks. For instance, according to the entity’s country of operation, internal and external risks are distinguished. According to the level of origin, there are branded, industry, regional, national, and international risks. According to the areas of coordination, risks are distinguished as a social, political, administrative, legislative, financial, resource, environmental, demographic, and geopolitical. Uncertainties of the future, insufficient information, subjective influence risks are distinguished by the cause. According to the degree of validity of risk acceptance, risks are distinguished as reasonable, partially justified, and adventurous.

The degree of systematization determines systemic and non-systemic risks. Based on the permissible limits, permissible, critical, and catastrophic risks are distinguished. The risk realization provides for realized and unrealized risks. According to the adequacy of the time for decision-making on responding to the risk implementation, there are warning, current, and late risks. As for the influence scale – single and multi-person risks. Predicted and partially predicted risks may be identified on the basis of the possible prediction. According to the degree of influence on the activity – negative, zero, and positive risks.

Currently, there is no unified interpretation of the ‘risk’ concept. Different authors present various definitions. Thus, according to American researchers M. Mescon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri, the risk is treated as a level of uncertainty in predicting the outcome. N. Nikbakht, A. Groppelli interpret risk as instability, uncertainty in the future, as the level of uncertainty associated with a project or investment.

In doing so, they relate it to financial transactions and identify the risk associated with exchange rates when future foreign exchange earnings are depreciated. Another definition of risk is given by N.V. Khokhlov; he suggests that risk is an event or set of related accidental events that cause damage to the object possessing this risk. Risks include the following components: losses, and uncertainty/probability element, choice.

Risks can be managed by predicting the occurrence of a risky event and taking measures to reduce its degree.

The decentralization reform has provided local self-government bodies (LSGBs) with significant areas including a large number of different objects that may suffer losses due to various events, namely risks. At the same time, LSGBs are obliged to guarantee the safety of individuals who are in their territory and properly plan the system of engineering measures and activities of enterprises, institutions, and organizations. To help LSGBs, statutory regulations are used; they provide for planning LSGBs’ activities through strategies, in particular, through disaster risk management strategies. Such strategies can be both separate documents that list the main risks within communities (as well as methods for best analyzing the causes and consequences that help reduce disaster risk) and sections in other documents.

The most logical here are the documents that must be assessed from the strategic environmental point of view. Specifically, comprehensive plans for the development of territories in the form of urban planning documentation, according to the law, at the local level and land management documentation that determines the planning organization, the functional purpose of the territory.

It also defines the basic principles and directions of formation of a unified system of public services, road network, engineering, and transport infrastructure, engineering preparation and improvement, civil protection of the territory and population from dangerous natural and man-made processes, protection of land and other components of the environment, eco-network formation, protection and preservation of cultural heritage and the traditional nature of the environment of settlements, as well as the sequence of implementation of decisions, including phased development of the territory.

The source material for forecasting assessments can be generalized information about past situations or developed technical solutions and expert knowledge. The obligatory nature of such scientific developments is determined by Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine on Environmental Protection. It is this standard that introduces the systematic comprehensive scientific study of the environment and natural resources in order to develop the scientific basis for their protection and rational use, ensuring environmental safety.

The algorithm for predicting the impact of any activity on the environment can be illustrated as follows:

  • Analysis of the initial state (baseline);
  • Analysis of the achieved state;
  • Analysis of changes when achieving the planned level;
  • Predicted transformation and neutralization of harmful influence;
  • Economic assessment of direct and indirect impact on the environment;
  • Analysis of hydrometeorological conditions and prediction of possible trends;
  • Analysis of the obtained results, comparison with the initial state (baseline).

To implement each component, different methods of estimation and modulation are used (M-optimal solution models, methods of stochastic programming, special EIA methods, such as the Leopold matrix, combined map analysis, etc.).

Efficiency in dealing with environmental risks is ensured by supplementing the risk analysis with a system of measures for their management and minimization. Among them, the leading place is occupied by monitoring, multivariate planning based on multifactor prediction and environmental insurance [3].

Example, analysis of the causes and consequences of natural and environmental risks in agricultural management of natural resources [4].

To summarize, it should be noted that with the use of this scheme, as well as the scientifically established typical areas of risk occurrence, a risk management system may be formed in any area.

«Risk analysis, as well as risk-oriented planning, should become a key tool for communities when developing core strategic documents, especially in the field of disaster risk reduction».

Sofia Shutiak, Project Strategic Analyst,
Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine – Phase II

[1] Article 50 of the Constitution of Ukraine.

[2] Kostrychenko, V. M. Riskology and agricultural management of natural resources / V.M. Kostrychenko, Yu.V. Tkach; Scientific Bulletin. (in Ukrainian) – 1999. – Issue 9.11. – P.253-258. – Bibliography: 6 names.

[3] Risk and its classification, associate professor I.I. Didovich Candidate of Economic Sciences

[4] Riskology and agricultural management of natural resources / V.M. Kostrychenko, Yu.V. Tkach; Scientific Bulletin; collection of scientific and technical proceedings of the Ukrainian State Forestry University. (in Ukrainian) – Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, USFU. – Lviv, 1999. – Issue 9.11. Modern ecology and the problems of the society’s sustainable development. – P.253-258. – Bibliography: p. 257-258.

This study is made possible with the final support of the European Union through its Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Department. This document covers humanitarian aid activities implemented with the financial assistance of European Union. The views expressed herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

#RiskReduction #Resilience #PreparePreventProtect #3PConsortium #ACTED #ECHO – EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid – ECHO



Kharkiv, 1998.  Olesya, a girl from Uzbekistan, gives birth in a maternity hospital.  She is young, scared, and does not have a passport. A boy named Timur is born. Being in such a difficult situation, Olesya decides to give a fictional surname to the boy to receive the birth certificate for him.

Later, when her son turned 18, Olesya received Ukrainian citizenship. Unfortunately, due to coming of age, the young man was no longer able to acquire citizenship with his mother. They then tried to apply to the migration service at their place of residence. And only then Olesya and Timur understood the complexity of this situation. According to the documents, the boy had a fictitious surname, so Olesya was not considered his mother under the law.

In 2018, the family turned to our colleagues in Kharkiv for help. With the help of an R2P lawyer, Olesya’s motherhood was established in court and the new birth certificate for Timur was obtained. Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem of Timur’s citizenship. So the boy had to wait patiently for the opportunity to apply for recognition as a stateless person. In early November 2021, the following opportunity occurred: the Kholodnohirsk branch of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region accepted his application, and the applicant was issued a certificate – the first official document proving his identity.

Also, our lawyer gathered enough evidence and proved in court the grounds for Timur to acquire Ukrainian citizenship by territorial origin. The court decision has already come into force, so after receiving the decision to recognize Timur as a stateless person, he will immediately apply to the Migration Service with a request to acquire Ukrainian citizenship to finally get the dream passport.

And we, for our part, will accompany and support him on this path. Good luck to all of us in this difficult matter!

Безгромадянство через вигадане прізвище. Історія Олесі та Тимура

Once again, the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P) is happy to express sincere gratitude to the Migration Service of the Kharkiv Region for its continued support in all the efforts and initiatives to help people, as well as for effective cooperation in the difficult way of documenting the stateless persons.



CF «Right to Protection» (R2P) is now implementing a new Project aimed to improve the quality of the social services provided in the amalgamated territorial communities in eastern Ukraine.

Quality medical, social, educational, administrative services, new roads, and clean streets – all this should be available to every Ukrainian with the start of the decentralization.  However, in some regions of Ukraine, the reform is still ongoing with its own peculiarities.

Соціальні послуги в громадах на сході України: БФ «Право на захист» продовжує реалізацію нового проєкту
Consequences of the hostilities in eastern Ukraine.
Photo – Фотографії старого Львова

For example, in eastern Ukraine, the international military conflict has made its negative adjustments.

  • First, the newly formed communities of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions did not have the opportunity to go through the path of voluntary unification, which has already passed more than 700 communities in Ukraine before the local elections in 2020. In addition, in a number of communities, local self-governments are absent as such. Local elections were not held there.  Instead, there are civil-military administrations (CMAs), which perform the functions of the local self-government.
  • Second, areas near the ‘contact line’ have problems with the public transport. Often there is no connection between these settlements and the rest of the region. This hinders public access to all types of services that should be provided in communities.
Соціальні послуги в громадах на сході України: БФ «Право на захист» продовжує реалізацію нового проєкту
People living along the ‘contact line’ deserve
quality social services. Photo – Ostrov

In order to help community authorities to establish a system of social services that meets the needs of people, the R2P is currently implementing the project «Ensuring access to the social services in the amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) along the contact line».

Олег Любімов

«This is the first project implemented by our Fund directly with the communities and for its residents. At the first stage, our specialists conducted a comprehensive study on the state of the social services system in 5 communities of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. During the research, a survey (questionnaire) of both social service providers in the community and recipients of social services was conducted. Also, we held focus group discussions. In addition, our specialists collected and processed a large number of statistics and information about the social infrastructure that operates in each of the communities.»

– says Oleg Lyubimov, Decentralization Coordinator of the CF «Right to Protection» (R2P).
Соціальні послуги в громадах на сході України: БФ «Право на захист» продовжує реалізацію нового проєкту

As a result, each community now has a social passport. The document contains data on the area, administrative-territorial distribution, demographic situation in the territory, etc.  Communities also received recommendations for improving and in some cases creating from scratch a system for providing, monitoring, and evaluating the quality of the social services.  When developing such passports, our specialists found out which problems with the provision of social services exist in each individual community.

«The problems are the lack of sufficient qualifications and experience among the CMA employees and ignorance of the legal framework of Ukraine in the field of social protection. For example, we found out that in one of the communities nobody was responsible for the social protection of the population. Following our recommendations, a full-fledged department of social protection was created there, as well as a Center for the provision of social services in the community. In another community, they followed our advice to reform the CMA’s territorial center for social services and to provide the services that people need. In another community, we helped register a local utility in the State Register of the Social Service Providers. And to improve the work of the social protection specialists, we have prepared a collection of regulations «Social services in the community.»

– Oleg adds.
Соціальні послуги в громадах на сході України: БФ «Право на захист» продовжує реалізацію нового проєкту

Specialists of the R2P continue to advise on various issues regarding the local governance, such as the economic development, land management, formation and implementation of the community budget, preparation and implementation of targeted local development programs, the organizational structure of Civil-Military Administration units, their utilities and more. And, of course, we continue to provide legal support in the creation and organization of the social protection units in amalgamated territorial communities.

«There are many requests from communities for methodological and advisory assistance. In particular, how to fill in the application forms for participation in tenders for projects that can be funded by various sources: State Fund for Regional Development, the state targeted development programs, international technical aid projects, etc. The support of local community authorities in land and communal property management needs attention. Previously, this was done by the units of the State Geocadastre, and there are simply no specialists of the appropriate level in the communities,»

– sums up Oleg Lyubimov, Decentralization Coordinator at R2P.

The next step in our work with the amalgamated territorial communities will be the continuation of the awareness-raising trainings for the employees of the Civil-Military Administrations, which we had already started in October.



Working with the amalgamated territorial communities, in particular on the issues related to the integration, provision of legal aid, advice and necessary information to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) is one of the priority vectors of our organization.

The new project “Dialogues between IDP initiative groups and local authorities in the Dnipropetrovsk oblast”, implemented with the support of the German Federal Government within the framework of the Civil Peace Service program, envisages active work in this direction.

Діалоги між ініціативними групами ВПО та представниками місцевої влади у Дніпропетровській області

Existing local programs and action plans for their implementation do not provide for the protection of the rights of IDPs and their integration into the local communities.

Displaced persons without registration at the new place of residence are deprived of local social guarantees, having only the right to social benefits, which are also temporary. For more than seven years, the main need of IDPs was housing – comfortable, compliant with sanitary, fire, and other safety standards. Internally displaced persons want to have the same rights in the areas of social protection, health, education, science, and when doing business. And all this is more than possible to do at the community level, but unfortunately, IDPs are often out of the process of developing, discussing, and agreeing on the local programs.

At the same time, the project implemented by R2P in Ilarionivska, Slobozhanska, Zhovtovodska, and Vilnohirska Amalgamated Territorial Communities aims to change this situation and provide IDP initiative groups with the ability to protect their rights and influence the implementation of the relevant policies on the local level.

Діалоги між ініціативними групами ВПО та представниками місцевої влади у Дніпропетровській області

«The project proposes to review approaches aimed at ensuring the inclusion and integration of the IDPs into community life, giving them access to participation in the local programs, using the tools of local democracy and a number of other opportunities. Formation of the IDP initiative groups with their further formalization at the local level through the establishment of the IDP Advisory Council as a temporary advisory body to address issues related to the implementation of the state and local policies in the field of IDP protection, promoting their integration into the community, involving them in decision-making processes and supporting the host community during these processes.»

– notes Myroslava Sushchenko, the Coordinator of the Project at the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P).

We suggest you watch the video recording of the press conference below to learn more about our Project on integration and support of the public activity of the IDP communities (video is in Ukrainian & Russian).

Правозахисники презентували проєкти, націлені на покращення діалогу між місцевою владою та переселенцями

[EN Below] 🇺🇦🤝 Робота з об’єднаними територіальними громадами, зокрема щодо питань, пов’язаних з інтеграцією переселенців, надання їм правової допомоги, консультацій та необхідної інформації є одним з пріоритетних векторів роботи нашої організації. 🔵 Новий проєкт «Діалоги між ініціативними групами ВПО та представниками місцевої влади у Дніпропетровській області», що імплементується за підтримки Федерального уряду Німеччини у межах програми «Громадянська служба миру» передбачає активну роботу саме у цьому напрямку. 👉 Існуючі місцеві програми та плани дій щодо їх впровадження не передбачають захисту прав внутрішньо переміщених осіб та їх інтеграції до місцевої громади. ❗️Переселенці без реєстрації за новим місцем проживання позбавлені місцевих соціальних гарантій, маючи лише право на соціальні виплати, які до того ж є тимчасовими. Понад сім років основною потребою ВПО залишається житло – комфортне, таке що відповідає санітарно-гігієнічним, протипожежним та іншим безпековим нормам. Внутрішньо переміщені особи бажають мати такі ж права у сферах соціального захисту, охорони здоров’я, освіти, науки та під час ведення бізнесу. І все це – більш ніж можливо зробити на рівні місцевих громад, але на жаль, ВПО часто знаходяться поза процесом розробки, обговорення та узгодження місцевих програм. ⚖️🛡 Водночас проєкт, який реалізує наш Фонд в Іларіонівська ТГ, Слобожанській, Жовтоводській та ВІЛЬНОГІРСЬКА ОБ’ЄДНАНА ТЕРИТОРІАЛЬНА ГРОМАДА! громадах ставить за мету змінити такий стан речей і дати можливість ініціативним групам переселенців захищати свої права та впливати на впровадження відповідних політик на місцях. 💬 «В рамках проєкту пропонується переглянути підходи, спрямовані на забезпечення включення та інтеграції ВПО у життя громади, надання їм доступу до участі у місцевих програмах, використання інструментів місцевої демократії та низки інших можливостей. Формування ініціативних груп ВПО з подальшою їх формалізацією на місцевому рівні шляхом створення Консультативної ради ВПО як тимчасового дорадчого органу для розв'язання питань, пов’язаних із реалізацією державної та місцевої політики у сферах захисту ВПО, сприяння їх інтеграції в громаду, підтримки приймаючої громади в процесі інтеграції ВПО та їх залучення до процесів прийняття рішень.» – зазначає координаторка проєкту БФ «Право на захист» Мирослава Сущенко. 📺 Більше про проєкти з інтеграції та підтримки громадської активності переселенських спільнот на місцях пропонуємо вам переглянути у відеозаписі конференції нижче. ____________________________________________________ 🇺🇦 🤝 Working with the amalgamated territorial communities, in particular on the issues related to the integration, provision of legal aid, advice and necessary information to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) is one of the priority vectors of our organization. 🔵 The new project “Dialogues between IDP initiative groups and local authorities in the Dnipropetrovsk oblast”, implemented with the support of the German Federal Government within the framework of the Civil Peace Service program, envisages active work in this direction. 👉 Existing local programs and action plans for their implementation do not provide for the protection of the rights of IDPs and their integration into the local communities. ❗️Displaced persons without registration at the new place of residence are deprived of local social guarantees, having only the right to social benefits, which are also temporary. For more than seven years, the main need of IDPs was housing – comfortable, compliant with sanitary, fire, and other safety standards. Internally displaced persons want to have the same rights in the areas of social protection, health, education, science, and when doing business. And all this is more than possible to do at the community level, but unfortunately, IDPs are often out of the process of developing, discussing, and agreeing on the local programs. ⚖️🛡 At the same time, the project implemented by R2P in Ilarionivska, Slobozhanska, Zhovtovodska, and Vilnohirska Amalgamated Territorial Communities aims to change this situation and provide IDP initiative groups with the ability to protect their rights and influence the implementation of the relevant policies on the local level. 💬 “The project proposes to review approaches aimed at ensuring the inclusion and integration of the IDPs into community life, giving them access to participation in the local programs, using the tools of local democracy and a number of other opportunities. Formation of the IDP initiative groups with their further formalization at the local level through the establishment of the IDP Advisory Council as a temporary advisory body to address issues related to the implementation of the state and local policies in the field of IDP protection, promoting their integration into the community, involving them in decision-making processes and supporting the host community during these processes" – Myroslava Sushchenko, the Coordinator of the Project at the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P). 📺 We suggest you watch the video recording of the press conference below to learn more about our Project on integration and support of the public activity of the IDP communities. GIZ Ukraine GIZ: Perspectives for Eastern Ukraine

Опубліковано Право на захист Вівторок, 12 жовтня 2021 р.



Lyudmyla is a resident of the Stanychno-Luhanskyi district in the Luhansk region. In 2014, due to the lack of passport forms, she received a temporary identity card of a citizen of Ukraine.

Через обставини непереборної сили - негромадянка. Історія Людмили
Photo – RFE/RL

Due to the escalation of hostilities, Lyudmyla lost her documents and was left without a passport. The archive building of the district migration service, where all the data was located, was almost destroyed. Lyudmyla tried to renew at least her birth certificate, but due to the lack of documents, it was impossible.

Woman continued to live near where the modern “contact line” now is. She could not leave her village without identity documents. All because there were checkpoints on the outskirts, through which one can pass only with the proper documents.

In 2018, the district migration service resumed its work. Lyudmyla immediately applied for a passport. However, the service’s file archive was destroyed during the hostilities. Because of this, and because of the woman’s lack of documents, Lyudmyla didn’t receive a passport. To establish her Ukrainian citizenship, she was left with the only option – to go to court.

Our colleagues from the Severodonetsk R2P office helped the woman to overcome all legal issues. Lawyer Serhii Mikhailov started to work with Lyudmyla’s case. He first helped the woman obtain a birth certificate. Then he started collecting information from the school and from the village council, where Lyudmyla lived with her parents. All this information is required to confirm her Ukrainian citizenship.

However, a new problem arose. There were discrepancies in the documents collected by the lawyer on Lyudmyla’s date of birth. Thanks to persistent cooperation with the government agencies, the problem has been resolved and appropriate changes have been made. This managed to confirm the citizenship of Ukraine in a pre-trial procedure. All the necessary documents were submitted to the State Migration Service of Ukraine, and finally, Lyudmyla received her long-awaited passport!

We sincerely congratulate Lyudmyla! As she said herself, at the moment when you hold your passport in your hands, you understand that you are a part of society, that you are a citizen of Ukraine!



Victoria was born in 1997 in Kharkiv.  However, since the moment of birth, she had been living in the village of Kovyahy in the Valkiv district of the Kharkiv region. She graduated from the Kovyahy educational complex.

The girl’s mother was undocumented, so the child didn’t receive the birth certificate. So, when it was high time to get a passport, the girl did not exist from a legal point of view, because for all her life she lived without a birth certificate.

Народитись в Україні без громадянства. Історія Вікторії

In 2018, Victoria turned for help to our colleagues from the Kharkiv office. The first step was to go to court to establish the fact of the birth. Through the painstaking work of the lawyer, together with the help of the Center for Social Services of the Valkiv City Council, enough documents were collected to go to court. In August 2021, Victoria received her first official document – a birth certificate.

The second step was to apply to the Valkiv sector of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region to provide our beneficiary with the document. Due to her mother being undocumented at the moment of birth, it was not possible to prove citizenship. However, since Victoria was born in Ukraine, she has the right to acquire Ukrainian citizenship. However, in order to be able to apply for citizenship, first, she needs to get the status of a stateless person.

Народитись в Україні без громадянства. Історія Вікторії

Victoria’s application for statelessness was accepted and she received another important document! And although this certificate is not an acquired status, this step brings it closer to resolving the issue of obtaining a long-awaited passport. Victoria already dreams of starting her own family, working officially, and feeling proud of becoming a citizen of Ukraine.

We thank the staff of the Center for Social Services of the Valkiv City Council, Valkiv District Court of Kharkiv region, and the staff of the Valkiv sector of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region for high professionalism, incredible sensitivity, and constant willingness to cooperate to help people!



Since the beginning of 2021, the R2P has been implementing a project on environmental and resource restoration of the hostilities-affected areas in eastern Ukraine. Within the framework of the project, 6 dialogue sessions with ecology and mining experts were held. The experts shared their experience and understanding of the environmental and industrial risks that are present in the region. Currently, the Team of the CF “Right to Protection” continues to support the thematic discussion on environmental issues in eastern Ukraine, conducts advocacy campaigns to draw the attention of the public to this issue, informs government officials about the next necessary steps, and calls local people for dialogue to prevent environmental disaster.

On Tuesday, October 19, 2021, the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P) held an online press conference “The environmental situation in Donbas: what’s next? Eco-journalism in eastern Ukraine”.

Екологічне майбутнє Донбасу: що робити далі та як діяти? Розвиток екожурналістики на сході України

The event was joined by the following speakers:

  • Valentyna Troyan, journalist, editor of the regional service, host of the Hromadske Radio;
  • Oleksandra Horchynska, journalist at NV.UA;
  • Yakubovych Tetyana, editor of the Radio “Donbas Realii” project of the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Ukrainian Service;
  • Lukianenko Oleksandra, Manager of the Project “Peacebuilding and Reconciliation on Environmental and Resource Restoration in eastern Ukraine”, Charitable Fund “Right to Protection” (R2P);
  • Viktoria Dei, Head of the Public Information Department of the Charitable Fund “Right to Protection” (R2P);
  • Yakovlev Yevhen, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Institute of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU).

During the event the speakers discussed existing and potential environmental problems in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, namely the uncontrolled flooding of mines in the temporarily occupied territories, subsidence, soil pollution (including the sources of drinking water), as well as the impact of hostilities on dangerous objects located in the region. Also the representatives of the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P) will present the results of the project “Peacebuilding and Reconciliation on Environmental and Resource Restoration in eastern Ukraine”. In particular, the R2P Team will showcase the results of the contest of mini-projects for journalists, which was conducted within the framework of this project.

The recording of the Press Conference is available on YouTube:

The project “Peacebuilding and Reconciliation on Environmental and Resource Restoration in eastern Ukraine” is implemented by the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P) with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). All the developments under the project are the sole responsibility of the R2P and do not necessarily reflect the views of the USAID or the United States Government.