The “Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine” project is implemented by R2P as a member of the 3P Consortium. Under the project supported by ECHO, R2P performs legal and policy analysis focusing on the laws on industrial and environmental risks. In particular, the project team identifies gaps in the regulations that put practical barriers to a systemic approach to disaster risk reduction. Moreover, our team holds working meetings with local authorities in the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. Supported by OFDA, R2P conducts training sessions dedicated to international humanitarian protection standards and their application in the Ukrainian context.
The overall goal of the project “Innovative Ways of Integration of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Ukraine” is to find ways to integrate refugees and asylum seekers within the territories of Ukraine. In particular, the project aims to help refugees and asylum seekers find employment, as well as solutions to everyday challenges (birth and marriage registration, etc.), so that they can begin to live normal, self-sustaining lives. Since then, R2P has developed and now manages a database of more than 500 resumés of refugees, complementary protection holders, and asylum seekers in Ukraine. We have also built a network of socially responsible employers who fill their vacancies through our services. This exchange is beneficial for all parties because Ukrainian companies often experience high turnover and staffing shortages, and they are in need of people just like our beneficiaries.
In 2019, the Right to Protection Charitable Foundation began implementation of both complex but in the same time much needed project «Dialogues». Its primary purpose was to create discussion around the most pressing issues that residents of Government and Non-Government Controlled Areas in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine have faced on a daily basis in the past seven years of violence.