On 2 July, a round table was held on the topic of responding to the challenges of internal displacement in the context of transitional justice. The event was organized jointly by the Charitable Fund “Right to Protection” (R2P) and the Consortium Legal Aid Georgia (LAG), with the support of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (ODIHR / OSCE).
The participants discussed the practices used in Ukraine and Georgia regarding compensations for human rights violations caused by the armed conflict. In particular, during the discussions, the experts paid special attention to the consideration of successful and unsuccessful practices of ensuring the implementation of IDPs’ rights within the framework of transitional justice processes in Ukraine and Georgia.
Georgian colleagues shared their experience in implementing long-term solutions for IDPs, including those aimed at addressing housing issues and providing social protection.
In turn, Ukrainian colleagues outlined the issue of settling reparations in the draft and current regulations in the field of transitional justice, as well as shared the practice of introducing mechanisms for compensation for damage caused by the armed conflict in Ukraine.
“The legal framework for the transitional justice process in Ukraine continues to take shape. In this context, Georgia’s experience in compensating for human rights violations can be valuable both for the development and for the effective implementation of national transitional justice mechanisms. ” – notes Yaroslava Yudina, strategic lawyer of the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P)
– notes Yaroslava Yudina, strategic lawyer of the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P)

In recent years, the CF “Right to Protection” (R2P) has been assisting the IDPs and the victims of an armed conflict in obtaining compensations for violations of their rights. As of June 2021, the lawyers of the R2P helped the beneficiaries receive UAH 1,574,000 in compensation for the destruction of housing as a result of hostilities.
This event is a part of the project of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (ODIHR / OSCE) “Promoting the human dimension of security in Ukraine”. The joint project will result in the development of mutual recommendations that will help strengthen the rights of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the transitional justice process in Ukraine, as well as prevent violations of IDPs’ rights in Georgia.
Recording of the event is available (in Ukrainian)
Transitional Justice Response to Internal Displacement and Implementation of IDPs’ rights: Comparative Study of Georgia and Ukraine💬 Круглий стіл на тему «Відповіді на виклики у сфері внутрішнього переміщення в рамках процесу перехідного правосуддя: порівняльне дослідження Грузії та України»
Posted by Право на захист on Friday, July 2, 2021
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