We bring to your attention the report on the implementation of the Programme “Legal Support for IDPs and Local Self-Government Bodies”, prepared within the R2P Project “Promotion of Social Infrastructure Development, USIF VI”.
Seven years have passed since the beginning of the occupation of Crimea and the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. However, the forced movement of the population of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine from the dangerous zone of the armed conflict still continues.
The ability of IDPs to integrate into the host community depends significantly not only on national policy but also on local programmes, as it is the host party that, through the efforts of local self-government bodies, has the opportunity to create favourable conditions under which IDPs can reveal their potential and truly become a part of the community.
An important place among such special programmes is occupied by housing programmes for IDPs, as they are aimed at solving one of the most pressing issues for displaced people.
Within the Programme, Charitable Fund “Right to Protection” (R2P) provided advisory support to local authorities in selected communities during the construction (reconstruction) of housing facilities for IDPs. R2P also conducted outreach and educational work among IDP candidates for living in such housing by explaining to them the provisions of current legislation of Ukraine on providing IDPs with temporary housing and providing assistance in preparing the necessary documents

Report is available in .pdf format in:
- Communities development = Ukraine development. How R2P helps ATCs and CMAs along the contact line to create a system of social services
- Social services for all. How R2P helps communities and CMAs become closer to the people
- Helping the communities. How R2P helps ATCs create an effective system for providing the social services