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Every region, regardless of geographic location, should be prepared in advance for emergencies, including evacuation.

R2P with the support of UKaid has provided material assistance to social institutions in Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky, and Chernivtsi regions. The goods include portable loudspeakers, walkie-talkies, reflective bracelets, first aid kits, pillows, blankets, civil protection information posters, hygiene kits, etc. The goods can be used during emergencies and evacuations.

In total, 21 institutions received the aid, including geriatric nursing homes, orphanages, and psychoneurological nursing homes that care for vulnerable people, including IDPs.

The provision of material support was preceded by an accessibility and inclusion assessment, including an evaluation of the protective structures of these institutions.  As part of the project, our staff also conducted educational training on implementing and awareness of international humanitarian law/protection standards. Only such a comprehensive approach can keep people safe during emergencies.

Project “Strengthening Civil Protection and Emergency Response Capacity in Ukraine” implemented by the CF Right to Protection within the framework of the 3P Consortium and is funded with UK aid from the British people.