In 2020 Together with the partners from 3P Consortium Right to Protection CF worked on several projects aimed on protection mainstreaming in eastern Ukraine. One of the most successful initiatives were webinars, seminars and trainings for local authorities in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
In the video below Artem Krenbok, the Project Manager of the Right to Protection CF and Kateryna Budiyanska, the Government Relations Officer at Right to Protection tell how disaster risk reduction (DRR) framework helps to minimize existing and potential hazards.
3 questions. 3 answers on the activities of 3P Consortium in 2020
The 3P Consortium was formed in 2019 by a group of international and Ukrainian NGOs – ACTED, IMPACT Initiatives, Right to Protection CF, the Danish Red Cross, the Austrian Red Cross, and the Ukrainian Red Cross Society. With the full support of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and under the ACTED leadership, the 3P Consortium works to support the reduction of disaster risk vulnerability in eastern Ukraine. 3P partners are united by their desire to Prevent, Prepare and Protect civilian populations and critical service systems in eastern Ukraine against the risks of natural, ecological and industrial disasters.