A person who is recognized as a refugee in Ukraine can obtain Ukrainian citizenship. To start the procedure, a refugee needs to submit the following documents:
- Application for admission to the citizenship of Ukraine (2 copies);
- Three photographs (35 x 45 mm);
One of the following documents:
- Document on proficiency in the Ukrainian language or its understanding in an amount sufficient for communication, which is issued in Ukraine by the head of the educational institution or the local authority of Ukraine;
- Copy of the certificate or an extract from the transcript of the diploma – for a person who has a document on graduation from an educational institution with the study of the Ukrainian language;
- Document confirming disability – for a person with physical disabilities.
One of the following documents:
- Declaration of absence of foreign citizenship – for stateless persons;
- Declaration of refusal of a person who has been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine from foreign citizenship – for foreigners;
- Documents confirming the granting of refugee status in Ukraine, as well as the fact of continuous legal residence on the territory of Ukraine for three years from the date of granting refugee status (certificate from the State Migration Service of Ukraine, copy of refugee certificate, copy of refugee travel document).
Applications for acceptance into Ukrainian citizenship are submitted by the refugee personally to the territorial subdivision of the State Migration Service of Ukraine at the place of registration in Ukraine.
The decision to accept a refugee into Ukrainian citizenship is made by the President of Ukraine.
The total period for consideration of applications of refugees for Ukrainian citizenship should not exceed nine months from the date of their receipt.
For refugees who have acquired Ukrainian citizenship, the territorial divisions of the State Migration Service of Ukraine issue passports of a citizen of Ukraine.

More relevant information is available on the
Refugee Helper chatbot page on Facebook
UNHCR Ukraine – Aгентство ООН у справах біженців в Україні
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