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Yesterday, May 30, presentation of the CF “The right to protection” report “Assessment of the conditions of crossing LoС through EECР” was held at the Protection Cluster regular meeting in Kyiv. CF “The right to protection” was represented by legal analyst Daria Dmitrenko and date-manager Ruslan Romaniv.This monitoring was carried out by the Charitable Fund «Right to Protection» (R2P) under the project “Provision of Multi-Sectoral Humanitarian Assistance to Conflict-Affected Populations in Eastern Ukraine” which is implemented by R2P with the financial support of the European Commission, within the framework of civil protection and humanitarian assistance of the European Union within the ACCESS consortium.Daria Dmitrenko commented on the results of the work: “The purpose of the study was to assess the conditions and the results of the rearrangement of the EECP, launched in August 2018. The results of the travelers survey on 2 EECPs, where rearrangement has been completed, show significant positive developments. However, often the urgent needs of citizens crossing the LoC through the EECP are often not fully satisfied. Gaps in the regulatory framework and security risks create serious barriers for citizens to exercise their rights. CF “The right to protection” gives a detailed analysis of the conditions and recommendations for improving them on each EECP”.We see a high potential for improving the effectiveness of creating appropriate conditions at EECPs through regulatory harmonization of the following key aspects:
• legal status of EECPs
• procedure and amount of financing from the state budget
• designation of a single public authority responsible for the functioning of the EECPs.The findings of the study lead to the conclusion that the level of preparation, development and implementation of measures during rearrangement of the EECPs was high. However, conditions still do not fully meet the needs of travelers. In order to introduce further positive changes, CF “Right to Protection” considers it necessary to:
• perform a quality assessment of the needs of the people crossing the LoC through EECPs
• involvement of representatives of humanitarian organizations in the development of plans for the arrangement of EECPs
• monitoring the results of implemented measures.In the absence of direct transport options with NGCA, the issue of transport options between EECPs with settlements on GCA and the so-called “zero” checkpoints is problematic. In particular, the high cost of transport services, and their often low quality creates serious difficulties for travelers. In order to address this problem, CF “Right to Protection” recommends to:
• arrange, in accordance with common standards, bus stops/stations near EECPs, where there would be information available on schedules and routes of public transport
• create conditions for fair competition of licensed carriers, which would reduce demand for illegal activities
• review the cost of passenger transportation services from EECPs to “zero” checkpoints and to introduce their transparent charging.Stanytsia Luhanska EECP has remained the most loaded and, at the same time, least suitable for quality servicing of a large number of travelers during the last months. While conditions in the service area of the EECP are steadily improving, the most serious problem of this crossing point remains the ruined bridge across the Siverskyi Donets river. The situation can be improved through:
• repairing the destroyed bridge
• the opening of a new EECP in Luhansk Oblast, which would ensure the possibility of moving by car.Since EECPs are located on the contact line and a large number of people gather at them, they constantly become the object of provocation. There is a high risk of shelling. At the same time, the findings of this study show an overall low level of protection in the event of emergency situations. In most cases, shelters are in unsatisfactory state, and at some EECPs they are not available at all. This is also true of danger alarm systems. There are no evacuation plans and an available order of actions in the event of a threat to the life and health of citizens at any EECPs. CF “Right to Protection” recommends:
• arranging all EECPs with audible danger alarm systems
• equipping shelters of sufficient capacity for the large number civilians
• developing and placing information materials for travelers about order of actions in case of danger at EECPs

Please find reports  in attached.

ENG Assessment of the conditions of crossing Loc through EECP

UKR Оцінка умов перетину ЛЗ через КПВВ.