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To the:

Chairman of the Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Yuriy Aristov

Minister for Communities and Territories Development

Chernyshov Olexiy

Prime Minister of Ukraine

Denis Shmyhal


We, the non-governmental organizations concerned with the protection and observance of the rights of internally displaced persons and persons, affected by the armed conflict, appeal to you on the matter of significant reduction of funding for housing programs for internally displaced persons in 2021.

It is well known that tackling the housing problems of internally displaced persons has been one of the most pressing issues since the beginning of the armed conflict in 2014 and till nowadays. Lack of housing directly affects the full integration of migrants into host communities and the arrangement of their lives. In addition, this is often the main reason for their return to the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, thus endangering their safety and lives. In view of this, ensuring adequate funding for housing programs for IDPs will not only contribute to the realization of their constitutional right for housing, but will also create conditions for them to have a decent life.

At the same time, the draft Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021” (registered № 4000), which was adopted in the first reading on November 5, lacks funding for the two most important IDP housing programs, namely the Affordable Housing Program and the preferential lending to Joint Forces Operation participants and IDPs.

The Affordable Housing is a Program for migrants that provides state support in the form of payment of 50% of the cost of construction (purchase) of housing and / or preferential loan with the possibility of obtaining additional lending in the bank to pay part of the cost of construction (purchase), which exceeds the amount of state support.

The program of preferential lending to JFO participants and IDPs provides for a preferential state loan to purchase flat in an apartment building or a one-apartment house with an interest rate of 3% per annum, and for people in military service – from the beginning to the end of the special period; reservists and conscripts – from the moment of conscription during mobilization until the end of the special period, for the time of military service – with 0 interest rate. Both programs are implemented by the State Fund for Youth Housing.

In 2018 and 2019, the laws of Ukraine on the state budget for the respective years provided for the financing of the program “Affordable Housing” in the amount of UAH 100 million, and in 2019 the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 980 of 27.11.2019 was approved. the use of funds provided in the state budget for the provision of preferential long-term state credit to internally displaced persons, JFO participants for the purchase of housing, which allowed to finance the loan program at 3% per annum. Funding for the Affordable Housing Program was also provided for in 2020, but due to amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2020” adopted in April this year, funding for this program was completely reduced, and public expenditures on the program of preferential lending to IDPs and participants of the ATO / OOS in 2020 were not provided at all.

Judging by the draft Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021”, funding for both housing programs for IDPs in 2021 is not provided.

However, internally displaced persons are interested in participating in these programs. According to the information posted on the official website of the State Fund for Youth Housing, 16,000 people are waiting in line to participate in the Affordable Housing Program.

That is why we, the NGO sector organizations are concerned with the protection of the rights of victims of the conflict, appeal to the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Budget, Prime Minister and Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine to finance housing programs for internally displaced persons in 2021. When preparing the draft Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021” for the second reading, we ask to take into account the need to finance the above housing programs – programs of preferential housing loans for JFO participants and IDPs at 3% per annum and Affordable Housing Program.

Right to Protection CF

ZMINA Human Rights Center

Crimean Human Rights Group (CHRG)

Vostok SOS CF



DonbassSOS NGO

Stabilization Support Services in Ukraine CF